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Marching Along

                                                  A Publication of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Florida | Spring 2017
Gamma Xi Chapter Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 |

    Gamma Xi                                                     Beta Family
  New Alumni                                          Alumni Spotlight: David Schmidt, USF ’92
                                                      By Fred Wallrapp ’79
                             Your Gamma
                          Xi Chapter at the             To some people, Beta is a family, a home away          after graduating, an alumnus for the rest of his
                          University of Florida       from home during their college years. We are all         life. Funny thing is that he did not realize he was
                          continues to excel at       brothers, have pledge “dads.” We even have a house       a legacy until he told his mom he had pledged.
                          everything they do.         “mom,” although technically she is the “house            Conversation went something like this. David: “I
                          After not having a          director.” To David Schmidt, USF ’92, Beta Theta         pledged Beta Theta Pi Fraternity.” David’s mom:
                          fall pledge class, they     Pi really is a family affair. He has four relatives who  “You know, my dad was a Beta at St. Lawrence
                          made up for it with         are brothers of Beta Theta Pi, and his son, Jake         University in upstate New York.” David: “Really?”
                          37 outstanding spring       Schmidt, pledged Gamma Xi this spring. David             She then proceeded to show him a charm bracelet
                          pledges. Many of these      never attended UF, but he does have a Gamma Xi           that had a charm made from her dad’s Beta badge.
                          young men received          Chapter number (1608). More on that later, but it        So David had pledged the Zeta Beta of Beta Theta
bids from other houses in the fall but were so        sounds like good “paddle talk” trivia for Jake to quiz   Pi and his grandfather was a member of the Beta
committed to Beta they waited until the spring        future Beta pledges on. David grew up in Sarasota,       Zeta chapter at St. Lawrence. And his granddad had
to pledge. On the UF campus, Beta men rank            Florida, and started his college career at what was      also been a legacy, as his dad had been a Beta at St.
high in both academics and athletics, and are         then called Manatee Junior College. Armed with           Lawrence. His grandfather was recruited into Beta
prominent in student government and the               a freshly minted “AA” degree, Dave went to the           by Seth Brooks, Beta royalty and Beta Theta Pi’s
Florida Blue Key leadership honorary. Beta is         University of South Florida in Tampa to pursue a         most notable St. Lawrence alumnus. He also has a
also one of the largest and most respected houses     bachelor’s degree in engineering. Not your typical       great uncle who was a Beta from St. Lawrence and
on campus. Yes, it’s great to be a Florida Beta!      fraternity man, he did not pledge the Zeta Beta of       a brother-in-law who is a Beta from the University
  The men of Beta are campus leaders in               Beta Theta Pi until fall of his senior year. A pledge    of Georgia.
philanthropy as well. The Beta Bring It On            for one semester, a brother for one semester, and,
event, held this year on April 3rd, had as its goal                                                              When Dave pledged Beta at USF, Zeta Beta was
to raise $50,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association         Selfie of David and his daughter in New               not yet a Beta chapter, but rather a Beta “colony.” At
of America. The event is a cheerleading                              York City in December.                    the time, you can’t be initiated into a Beta colony,
competition that raises the most funds of any                                                                  and Gamma Xi at UF, being the closest Beta chapter,
philanthropic initiative on the UF campus
each year. Betas are also active in other Greek                                                                                              (continued on page six)
organizations’ fundraisers, including Camp
Kesem and the Dance Marathon.
  The active chapter brothers have been busy
with house improvements, including a new
fence by the basketball court in the back yard
and adding artificial turf. Plans include installing
turf in the remainder of the back yard and
getting new outdoor furniture.
  Please join me in being proud of what these
young men have accomplished. If you haven’t
seen it lately, please stop by the house the next
time you are in Gainesville. You will receive
                           (continued on page six)
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