Page 6 - Marching Along - Spring 2017
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Alumni Spotlight, cont’d.

(continued from page one)                                          counselor, then district chief,
served as the sponsoring chapter for                               then regional director. He says
the fledgling USF fraternity. So when                              he did not enjoy being regional
it came time for initiation, David and                             director as much as that did not
his 15 pledge brothers took a road trip                            involve as many chapter visits.
to Gainesville and were initiated as                               He then became a vice president
Beta brothers at Gamma Xi and given                                of the General Fraternity. He
Gamma Xi chapter numbers. When                                     went on to serve with distinction
Zeta Beta was granted its charter at the                           as the general secretary of Beta
General Convention a year later, David                             Theta Pi, the highest volunteer
and his pledge brothers were considered                            position in the fraternity, from
founding members of their chapter,        David with his daughter  2010 until 2016. He still serves
quite an honor.                           attending a Gala in St.
                                          Pete this past November. on the board as a vice president.
While David’s time as a Beta                                       And so we shine our Alumni
undergrad was brief, he has more than                              Spotlight on David Schmidt, a
made up for that brevity since graduation. His first brother whose family has a long tradition of being
alumni chapter involvement was as an assistant Betas and who personally has served as a volunteer
chapter counselor at USF. That led to chapter with the fraternity at every level for many years.         David at the Gamma Xi house after his
                                                                                                                   son’s pledge induction.

Gamma Xi                                               Florida Gators 2017 Home Game Schedule
Welcomes New
Alumni                                                 Sat., Sept. 9      Sat., Sept. 16                 Sat, Sept. 30
                                                       Northern Colorado  Tennessee                        Vanderbilt
(continued from page one)                                      Bears      Volunteers                     Commodores
a very warm welcome from the brothers who are
carrying on our Beta traditions.                       Homecoming
                                                          Sat., Oct. 7
  As I take on the responsibility of your Alumni
Association president, I want to thank Brad               LSU Tigers
Fortune ’92, my predecessor, for his leadership
and dedicated service to Beta Theta Pi over the        Sat., Oct. 14      Sat., Nov. 18                  Sat., Nov. 25
past many years. Brad’s wise guidance and steady
example set the tone for both active and alumni        Texas A&M               UAB                       Florida State
brothers to follow and he was instrumental in all of      Aggies             Blazers                      Seminoles
the amazing things we have been able to accomplish
for Gamma Xi.

  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to
make our association better for you, our members.
We have positions open on our board of directors
for those who want to become involved. Or just tell
me about any milestones or achievements you want
to share with our alumni brothers. My email address
is I look forward to hearing
from you.

Yours in _kai_,
Thank God I am a Beta

Fred Wallrapp ’79
                         Alumni communication services provided by Elevate | | 770-903-3987 | @elevateims
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