Page 2 - Marching Along - Spring 2017
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Chapter News

From the Chapter President

                   Fellow brothers and friends of Beta,                        our courtyard is completely renovated— complete                      of Principle.
                     It is an incredible honor to                              with a new stockade fence. The new living space is                     In preparation for our yearly philanthropy, Beta
                                                                               used for weekly barbecues and brotherhood events,
                   have been elected to serve as                               and has added incredible value to our house.                         Bring it On, Gamma Xi hosted its first annual
                   president of the Gamma Xi                                                                                                        BBIO Kickoff BBQ at the house. The event was
                   Chapter for the 2017 calendar                                 While not taking a pledge class last fall, the                     incredibly successful, raising awareness and over
                   year. This group of high                                    chapter rebounded with a 38 man spring pledge                        $2,000 for our fight against Alzheimer’s. We are
                   achieving young men is known                                class. This was the most successful spring rush                      very excited for the upcoming event, a cheerleading
for challenging the status quo, doing so with an                               on campus, and in recent memory for Beta. The                        competition between sororities, to be held April
insatiable appetite for success, and I am proud to                             new members have worked on multiple service                          4th at the Phillips Center.
lead them into the future. With that being said,                               projects this semester, including volunteering time
the future of Gamma Xi is looking bright.                                      at the local animal sanctuary, Mystic Jungle, as well                  It’s a great time to be a Gamma Xi, and I can’t
  Thanks to the incredible generosity of our                                   as pairing with new members of Alpha Delta Pi                        wait for what the rest of the year has in store!
alumni, and with the help of our executive team,                               to make bagged lunches for the homeless. These                       Yours in Kai,
housing board, and House Director Kathy Estes,                                 young men are well on their way to becoming Men
                                                                                                                                                    Sean Murtha

                                                                                Brothers Nick Hillborn and Corey Andrew pose with their
                                                                               dates during Beta Ski Lodge. The event was a great success
                                                                               and featured live music from Latchkey, our very own brother

                                                                                                Spencer Jordan’s band.

Members of the spring ’17 pledge class stop for a picture during their day of  Brothers Jake Yurigan and Andrew Fiorentino paint boards that          Brother Quint Gornto (46) poses with his brothers after a big win over South
philanthropy work at Mystic Jungle. They helped the local nonprofit animal      will be used to create a more dynamic learning environment          Carolina. Supporting our dedicated student-athletes is one of the favorite activities
 facility in a multitude of ways while cooking out and having a great time.    for local school students. This is part of UF’s Project Makeover, a
                                                                                                                                                                                 here at Gamma Xi.
                                                                                   nonprofit enterprise that many brothers help out with.

Brothers Anthony Rocca and JJ Von Eschenbach lead a team of Betas who contributed to
this year’s Youth Leadership Conference (YLC). YLC is a great opportunity to get involved

  in the campus community and develop the leadership skills of high school students.

A group of brothers pose for a picture high in the mountains of North Carolina             Brothers socialize at our recent Backyard BBQ. This event supported our philanthropy, the Beta Bring It On cheer competition, for which
during spring break. Members of our chapter traveled all across the world this                                                  all money raised will go to the Alzheimer’s Association.

     year expanding their culture and bringing back memorable stories.

2 Photos and captions courtesy of Alumni Secretary Jonathan Wakim.
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