Page 6 - The Tech Teke - Fall 2017
P. 6
Chapter Eternal Leave a Legacy
We have recently learned of the passing of the following By including the Beta-Pi House Corporation in your estate
fraters. Our deepest sympathies to their friends and family. plans, you can help to ensure that future generations of Tekes
will benefit. A gift through your estate is truly a LEGACY through
Paul Bacon ’50 which you can secure the future of TKE at Georgia Tech.
Robert Blyth ’50
Richard Kendrick ’57 Ways to include the House Corporation:
Arnold Mangham ’57 a. Through your will or trust
William Reed ’57 b. By designating as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy
Joseph Anderson ’58 c. By designating as a beneficiary on an IRA or retirement
Fred Street ’62 account
Harry Forbes ’66 d. Other (speak with your financial advisors)
Albert Culbreth ’68
Bruce Johnson ’72 Sample language you or your advisor might find useful: “I
John Sargent ’75 leave the sum of $XXX to the Beta-Pi House Corporation of Tau
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at Georgia Tech.” We recommend that
you include instructions that the gift is made in care of Tau Kappa
Epsilon, 7439 Woodland Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46278.
**Information contained herein is not intended to serve as
legal or tax advice. You should consult your own advisors to
discuss your particular financial situation.
(continued from page four)
annual formal event, held in New Orleans,
where we welcomed our new sweetheart,
Hannah Gallagher. Outside of formal and
semi-formal, TKE also engages in “mixers”
and date nights with sororities many times
throughout the semester, which continue
to serve as excellent opportunities for our
brothers to meet members of other Greek
houses. Moreover, Beta Pi remains strong
in the values and brotherhood that exist in
each ritual, leadership position, and event
that compose the day-to-day life of TKE. Little
things, such as seeing multiple freshmen
interested in running for roles on the
executive board, even Greek positions, are
what enable our chapter to continue to thrive. New member class before a formal date night.
The 2016-2017 year was another victory with and characteristics of the chapter have organizations has remained steadfast. The
regard to our excellence outside of those that evolved. Despite the way many things change chapter is looking forward to the upcoming
can be evaluated through numbers. in TKE, the brotherhood that unites each school year and welcoming our incoming
As a rising senior, I have enjoyed member and ultimately distinguishes the members, and we are anticipating another
witnessing how leaders have been developed Beta Pi Chapter from other fraternities and fantastic year filled with many successes.
The Tech Teke is published by the Beta Pi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at Georgia Institute of
Technology for its members and friends. News contributions and pictures should be sent to Alumni
Records Office, Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, GA 30366.