Page 1 - Phi Kappa Tau - Cornell - Fall 2018
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NEWS from the KNOLL
Alpha Tau Alumni,
Thanks for taking the time to read this
semester’s edition of News from the Knoll! I’m just
finishing up my term as VPAR for the Alpha Tau
Chapter and the past year has been fantastic—I’ve
learned a ton about the workings of our organiza-
tion and met so many awesome people.
Over the summer at the 63 National
Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, we received sev-
eral honors, including the Jack Jareo Award for
alumni communications and events, as well as
Fall 2018 associate member class. From left to right: Nathan Stack ’18, Kanji Katayama ’18,
citations for academics, recruitment, and fundrais- Sebastian Dittgen ’18, Max Buettner ’18, Joseph Lewis ’18, Edward Hollreiser ’18, Shelton Carr
ing. Additionally we were the runners-up for the ’18, and Casey Robinson ’18.
Moosnick Trophy for highest chapter GPA.
This edition has been nicknamed Phi Tau
Around the World as it features several articles writ- FALL RUSH ADDS EIGHT MEMBERS
ten by current undergraduates as well as alumni,
reflecting upon their time spent abroad. These By Sean Lacey ’17 | Recruitment Chair sigma class has completed the association
samples are just a few of the many stories our I’m proud to announce that eight out- process with diligence, and each new brother
brothers have to tell and I hope you enjoy them. standing gentlemen have been successfully looks forward to assuming their role as an
This edition also includes general updates initiated into the brotherhood of the Alpha active member of our brotherhood.
from our chapter president, Tim Rehm ’16, news Tau Chapter of Phi Kappa Tau. On the heels While the fall recruitment is more
about or recent philanthropic endeavors from of another successful rush week, our new fall (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR)
our philanthropy chair, Lev Lascu ’17, and some
words from our recruitment chair, Sean Lacey
’17, about our newest fall associate member class.
I hope you enjoy the content and as always,
feel free to reach out to me if you have any ques-
tions, comments, or concerns. I can be reached at Also, reach out if you have
any comments or suggestions about past or future
alumni events—I’d love to hear from you.
Jacob Weissert ’17
Vice President of Alumni Relations Associate Shelton Carr ’18 works on the new Sebastien Dittgen ’18 and Max Buettner ’18
member project, a large bench. cut wood for the new member project.