Page 4 - Phi Kappa Tau - Cornell - Fall 2018
P. 4


        By Jake Potashnick ’12               drinking their sake on his last trip to Japan.  be a Phi Tau while living abroad. I’ve been
                          Since departing the   A quiet Japanese man looked inquisitively  lucky enough to have brothers visit me in
                       hallowed halls of The   at me as I entered, confused by the pres-  France and Berlin. And with each move
                       Knoll after graduating   ence of a foreigner. But this was Japan after  I’ve made, there has been incredible sup-
                       in 2015, I have followed   all, where there is the ultimate culture of  port from brothers back in the States. But
                       my passion and taken   politeness, so he showed me where I could  there was something particularly special
                       the opportunity to live in   sit down to taste their brews.  about this moment  in Japan,  about how
                       Sweden, France, Japan,   As I sampled the selection. another  something as simple as an old fraternity
                       and Germany working   traveler pulled up a stool next to me. We  association could lead to a connection with
                       as a fine dining chef.   were the only two people in the brewery,  someone who had so shortly before been
                       While those have been   and he was the first non-Japanese person I  a complete stranger. He and I ended up
                       formidable experiences,   had seen that day.               spending the day together: wandering the
                       when asked to write this   After a bit of small talk, it somehow  town, drinking sake, and discussing our
        article reflecting on my time abroad, I am   came  up  that  we  had  both  been  in  a  travels.
        instead compelled to share a story from a   fraternity.                      Sometimes I worry that I might be tak-
        trip I took during my time in Japan.    “Which one?” he asked.            ing the expression of “going far” a little too
           While backpacking through Hiroshima,   “Phi Kappa Tau,” I responded.   literally, but it is in moments like these—
        I  heard about  a local town  that was  well   “No  way,”  he  said,  laughing—he  was  meeting a stranger while sitting in that sake
        renowned for its sake production—I should   a Phi Tau at Florida. There we were in the  brewery in Japan—that I am reminded that
        note that I was traveling in February, when   middle of nowhere Japan, the only two  this phrase is what we are meant to do as
        Japan is not exactly a hotspot for tourists,   travelers  around,  and  we  suddenly  found  brothers of Phi Tau. We are meant to go far,
        and I often found myself alone in hostels or   ourselves with an afternoon’s worth of sto-  to give our best, and to represent ourselves
        on the road. Once in the town, I followed a   ries to share. We talked about our chapters  the best we can wherever we may be in the
        small map I had been given to the local sake   and traditions, about big brother night  world. That’s what I’m trying to do, and I
        brewer. I arrived to find a small, dusty, and   and sorority relations, and I walked him  hope you are too. And if any of you end up
        deserted tasting room, finding the brewery   through the beauty of IBWN.   in Berlin, let me know, you always have a
        plastered with pictures of President Obama   There are many times I’ve felt proud to  couch to crash on.

        FALL RUSH                            turnout for recruitment events this fall, with  and fun environment for all involved.
                                             over 30 potential new members having the
                                                                                     Phi Kappa Tau will continue its history
        (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE)            opportunity to talk to brothers within our  of recruiting outstanding men through the
        relaxed than the spring, recruits were still able   chapter, take house tours, and ask questions  brothers’ numerous on-campus activities
        to enjoy themselves at our Labor Day cookout.   about the values of the Alpha Tau Chapter. At  and continued emphasis on meeting young
        Additionally, recruits were invited to two open   the end of the process, we extended 10 bids.  Cornellians. The energy and personality of our
        houses, where they got to enjoy food from our   With the increase in restrictions on  unique brotherhood will help us through any
        chef, Matt Lea ’18, and learn more about the   Greek life on Cornell’s campus, the Alpha Tau  new restrictions placed on our recruitment of
        Alpha Tau Chapter.                   Chapter has done an incredible job of adhering  new members, and each of us looks forward
           Our brotherhood experienced a great   to the rules and mitigating risks throughout  to many more successful years and plenty of
                                             the entire recruitment process to ensure a safe  memories here at 106 The Knoll.

        SEMESTER IN                          hosts and their infant kids—all by using our  Europe who would lend me some shelter for a
                                             much-improved Spanish. We also got a quick  weekend. Even people who I might not be the
        SPAIN                                visit from another Phi Tau, David Flores ’17,  closest friends with were letting me crash on
                                             who was studying south of us in Seville. I was  their floors or showing me their favorite sites
        (CONTINUED FROM PAGE TWO)            able to make my way to London and stayed  in their respective cities. It was definitely a great
        of Spain resigned. It was a fascinating time to   a few nights with another Phi Tau, Brendan  way to canvas around Europe.
        be there.                            Elliott ’16, on top of meeting up with several   Before I went abroad, I had never been
           Charles and I were lucky enough to take   other Cornellians studying abroad in various  outside of the Americas. I was nervous to leave
        trips together with our program to Seville,   other cities.               Phi Tau, the Cornell Daily Sun, and Ithaca, a
        Zaragoza, Girona, and a few other cities   What this made me realize was just how  place where I feel truly comfortable. Now that I
        around the country. On our own, we took a   extensive the Phi Tau and Cornell network can  have gone abroad, I’m glad I did.
        trip to Madrid and befriended our AirBnB   be. All of a sudden I had friends in cities across

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