Page 5 - Marching Along Winter 2015-16
P. 5

Chapter Spotlight:

  Scott Strauss

Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is our very own past                              Scott and fellow Gamma Xi brother, Mason
President, Scott Strauss. Scott is currently in his senior year at UF, scheduled to                    Armstrong, in Toledo, Spain.
graduate this May with a degree in finance and mathematics. From the hometown
of Oviedo, FL, Scott was able to explore the world while studying abroad in
Madrid, Spain for three months in the summer of 2014. He will continue his
education next year at Vanderbilt University as he pursues his master’s degree in
finance. As an active chapter member, Scott has also served as past Community
Service Chair, 2015 and 2016 Captain for Dance Marathon, in addition to being
a 2013 Florida Leadership Academy member and active in the business school.
This past summer he interned at Fiserv as a Financial Analyst in Orlando.
For fun, Scott enjoys playing sports, reading, and snowboarding.

What led you to join the chapter?                    incredible memories, but none stand out as        What would you like to do with your
  As a spring initiate, I had a fairly good idea of  much as my time in Pamplona running with          degree once you complete school?
                                                     the bulls at the San Fermin festival. Never have
what fraternities I wanted to visit during rush.     I felt such adrenaline and excitement. I really     The honest answer is I am not completely
After rushing around at other houses, I knew         had no intention of actually doing the run, but   sure. I have always had a passion for technology
that Beta was the best fit for me. Nowhere else      once we got there, I couldn’t turn down the       and small businesses, so pure speculation
did I find such a welcoming group of men, and        once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.                   would be to work a couple of years in private
I knew that the opportunities that would be                                                            equity or asset management and eventually
presented to me through my involvement with          When did you discover an interest in              transition to a position in venture capital. I have
Beta were second to none. When offered my            finance?                                          always been someone who stays close to my
bid, it was an easy choice that turned out to be                                                       passions, but as of right now I cannot be totally
one of the best decisions I have ever made.            Ever since high school, I knew that I wanted    sure what direction I will go after graduate
                                                     to study business in some capacity in college.    school. My hope is that I will know more after
During your term as chapter President,               I started out as an accounting major, but after   my internship this summer.
what was your greatest achievement?                  taking my first finance
                                                     course, discovered that                                                     Scott on vacation in Vail, Colorado.
  I look back on my time as president with pride     that was where my
and definitely feel a sense of accomplishment        true interests lie. I am
for how I was able to push the chapter. While        actually continuing my
a lot of the achievements were more personal,        finance education and
the one that will always stand out was winning       will be attending the
Gamma Xi’s first-ever John Reily Knox award,         Owen Graduate School
an award given to the best Beta chapter in the       of Management at
country. Fortunately for me, I am surrounded         Vanderbilt University
by the best group of men you will find at UF,        this fall as a candidate
so I had plenty of help along the way. This          for a master’s in finance
award is a chapter award; it just happened to        degree. I am extremely
fall under my leadership.                            excited about this
                                                     opportunity and to
What was your most memorable experience              attend such an esteemed
while studying abroad in Spain?                      university as Vanderbilt.

  My time abroad in Spain was filled with

                                                     Chapter Brothers’ News

                                                     Congratulations to Gamma Xi Brother
                                                     Michael Fahrman (pictured left) and
                                                     the rest of the UF baseball team on an
                                                     outstanding season! On top of winning
                                                     the conference championship, the Gators
                                                     made it all the way to the semifinals in
                                                     the College World Series before losing a
                                                     close game to Virginia in June.
                                                     Brother Nick Hilborn (pictured right)
                                                     enjoying a break at the beach while
                                                     conducting mission work in Split,
                                                     Croatia last spring.

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