Page 6 - Marching Along Winter 2015-16
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Artis (Continued from Page 1)                                                                 President

2015 print edition of Fortune Magazine    “                                                                          (Continued from Page 1)
where he was recognized as one of five                                                        success at Beta Theta Pi at UF. Like attracts
“Movers & Shakers” under 40 who are          Ben with his wife Jillian and their son Ethan.   like, and with their accomplishments in all
“changing the face of the Fortune 500.”                                                       phases of college life, they have the luxury
                                                                                              of offering bids to only the best kids coming
“ Never say no to a new idea                                                                  through rush each year. Beta’s excellent
    until you’ve had a chance                                                                 reputation on the University of Florida
    to see its potential.                                                                     campus make it a place that freshman guys
                                                                                              want to pledge.
  Along the way Ben found time to
complete his MBA at the Kellogg                                                                 Please stop in the house whenever you
School of Management at Northwestern                                                          are in Gainesville. The active brothers are
University. Ben is happily married to                                                         always eager to welcome back their Beta
Jillian, who is also a Gator, and is a new                                                    brothers who came before them. The house
father to his ten-month-old son, Ethan.                                                       is beautiful. If you haven’t seen it lately,
As of just a few weeks ago, Ben accepted                                                      you will be pleasantly surprised. You will
a job at Disney in the Corporate Alliances                                                    receive a very warm welcome from the fine
division and will be moving down to                                                           young men there today carrying on our Beta
Orlando, FL this spring.                                                                      traditions.
                                                                                              Yours in Kai,
  And so we shine our Alumni Spotlight                                                        Thank God I am a Beta!
on Brother Ben Artis; a second generation
Beta who was a leader while at UF and                                                         Brad Fortune ’92
is well underway to be successful in both
business and in life.

  Florida Beta                               Be part of our Brick Campaign! As the            be purchased by an individual or a group.
Brick Campaign!                                      first house on Fraternity Row, the Beta    You may purchase a 4 x 8 brick for
                                                     chapter has a long and storied history
                                             at the University of Florida. The house has      $250.00. The brick will have space for
                                             recently completed a major expansion and         three lines, eighteen characters per line.
                                             renovation costing approximately $2.5M.          To purchase by check, send completed
                                                                                              form to: Florida Beta Brick Campaign,
                                               To continue enhancing the house, we are        PO Box 80828, Atlanta, GA 30366 (make
                                             turning our attention to the front walkway       checks payable to Florida Beta Student
                                             leading from the house to Fraternity Drive.      Aid Fund) or go to https://www.bricksrus.
                                             It is here that we would like to recognize       com/order/ufbeta/index.php to order
                                             each of our 2,429 brothers by replacing the      on-line. We encourage you to leave your
                                             concrete sidewalk with brick pavers. The         lasting legacy at 13 Fraternity Road by
                                             brick pavers are available in one size and can   purchasing your brick today!

                                 SAVE THE DATE

                                                   Homecoming 2016

                                                                   Saturday, October 15th

                                            Florida Gators
                                            Missouvrsi. Tigers

                                                                            Details TBA
                                                                     We hope to see you there!

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