Page 2 - Lambda Lates - Fall 2014
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Alumni Spotlight: Chad Powell ’93 he number 1288 is and We hold a common thread in that we are all members of Talways will be signifcant something bigger than any one of us…Lambda. in my life. This is the number Personally, some of my best friends to this day are that binds me to Pi Kappa Phi Lambda chapter members. A month doesn’t go by when and more importantly, Lambda we are together that some story or recollection from the chapter. I pledged in the winter past, embellished of course, is relived. That is a bond class of 1993 and distinctly that only my experience as a Pi Kappa Phi, specifcally remember each step leading up to my initiation as a member of Lambda chapter, has provided me. a brother in Pi Kappa Phi. My time at the University I joined Pi Kappa Phi for a few reasons, most of Georgia was flled with fun, development of strong signifcantly, I was a legacy. My older brother, Zach friendships, and an opportunity to serve as a leader Powell was a member so it was only ftting that 930 and brother in our chapter. These are all important benchmarks that have carried me through the last twenty years in my walk through life. Lambda chapter holds a unique status in the Pi Kapp world in that we are a single letter chapter. At UGA, we “Those memories are forever Chad, his wife a distnct part of my history Stephanie and their three and te me to the brothers that children share them with me.” are known as a well-established, active, and all around good group of guys. This serves true for our alumni base, the brothers that were with me, before me, and after me. Powell (Continued on Page 4) State of the Chapter ’m confdent that all of the alumni will be pleased in the years to come. We were able to initiate around Iwith the current state of the Lambda Chapter, and the 25 men this semester that we know are top quality great group of men that we currently have representing gentlemen who will continue to carry on the Pi Kappa our rich history here at UGA. Although the chapter has Phi legacy here at UGA. All of the initiates were able had its ups and downs, under the current leadership of to get to know the brothers very well before being the chapter we were able to bounce back through the initiated, and they understood what it means to not only help of strong-minded brothers to bring the chapter to be a brother of Pi Kappa Phi, but to be a brother of the where it is today Lambda Chapter. ΠKΦ We’re determined to keep the pledge class sizes I believe that the Chapter is moving in the right consistent, or exceeding the number of seniors direction. The amount of money we have raised through graduating each year so that we will continue to grow our philanthropic efforts has greatly increased this year. We created a new fundraising event, where sororities can participate in a dodgeball tournament and the proceeds go on to beneft the Ability Experience, Pi Kappa Phi’s National Philanthropic Organization. Next semester, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Lambda Chapter being on the University of Georgia’s campus. It goes without saying that this is a huge milestone for any fraternity. We look forward to celebrating with alumni, the National Headquarters, and all active brothers on this incredible achievement. All of the undergraduate brothers hope that in the years to come we will be able to give back to the fraternity in the same way that the alumni have given back to us.