Page 3 - Lambda Lates - Fall 2014
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Homecoming Update he Dawgs came out on top with a 44-17 victory over Vanderbilt this Homecoming. It was a great Tday for football and tailgating, and we were happy with the number of alumni that turned out and got together to watch the game and enjoy the beautiful weather. Hopefully everyone had a chance to stop by the house and spend time with the undergraduates and the alumni who were in town. vs. Undergraduate Spotlight: Connor Boston Chapter President How has being a member a large company, or go into investment banking with enhanced your college a fnancial institution. experience? Being a brother of Pi Kappa What type of events do the Pi Kappa Phi Phi has opened doors to me undergraduates have planned for the for leadership roles, lifelong future? friendships, and employment Lambda Chapter’s 100th Anniversary Celebration opportunities that would not is coming up next semester and I know everyone is have been possible before. It excited about that and celebrating our history. The has given me an outlet on campus to be able to get to annual Burnham Memorial Golf Tournament with know a great group of guys and develop a bond that our alumni is also coming up, and that is always a will last a lifetime. great time to spend the weekend on the links with the alumni. ΠKΦ you interested in? What is your favorite thing about being Aside from Lambda Chapter, what are Outside of the fraternity and class, I am very interested chapter president? in the fnance industry and building my resume into My favorite thing about being chapter president is the something that can take me far into the aspirations I opportunity I have been given to leave the fraternity have for my own career. in a better state than what I found it in. Not that it was ever in bad shape, of course, but it’s always important What are you currently studying as an to take the mindset that the hard work you put in now undergraduate, and why? will pay off tenfold down the road. If every chapter My current area of study is Finance. I chose this president takes this mindset, there is no telling the goals we can reach in just a few short years. because I believe it encompasses why businesses are able to exist and what is the driving force behind those businesses and their proftability. What are your plans after graduation? My plans after graduation are currently to seek employment in either the Corporate Finance sector at