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                                    Pi Chapter of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Indiana University ★ Fall 2015

             Housing                                    Indiana Beta Chapters

        Corporation                             Reconvene Annual Conclave


                  Pi Chapter members returned
                to campus rested and invigorated
                to  resume  studies  and  brother-
                hood work. Summer quarter was
                the most active in our nine years,
                with multiple caretaking initiatives
                to the house property.
      Most  troubling  was  an  HVAC  failure  in  the
     north wing, which generated a mold remediation
     project. Several aspects of this included cooler
     pipe  insulation  repair,  added  dehumidification
     air exchange capacity, lintel reconstruction to
     accommodate  our  common-space  area,  and
     water storage tank replacement. Now complete,
     our chapter can enjoy common space for chap-
     ter meetings, initiations, and social functions.  Hoosier  members  of  Beta  Theta  Pi  recon-  ship skills via training events are realizing better
      A parent club outreach was initiated in July   vened on November 19, 2015, for an evening   leaders, better members.
     with an introductory letter identifying and detail-  of brotherhood, storytelling, dining, and educa-  Former Indiana Pi Chapter President Dylan
     ing  several  of  these  property  improvements.   tion when 130 active and alumni members of   Rochon  ’17  received  the  Lugar  Leadership
     Although  a  bit  rough  around  the  edges,  our
     hope is that integrating our parent group into   Indiana,  Wabash,  DePauw,  and  our  Purdue   Award for his efforts to increase Pi members’
     communications will be a welcome presence for   colony gathered at Union Station in downtown   contributions to social initiatives and to the Sons
     extended Beta interests.               Indianapolis.                          of the Dragon Club, Beta Foundation’s annual
      The Beta Upper Network, a networking/rela-  Members from Columbus, Bloomington,   giving program exclusively for pledging or initi-
     tionship coaching initiative, is proceeding into   Crawfordsville, Louisville, Chicago, and Lafay-  ated undergraduates. Indianapolis’s 48  May-
     its third year. Student members are assigned an   ette conducted an inter-chapter meeting with   or, Greg Ballard, also a Greek alum, delivered
     alumnus with whom to grow a relationship. The  updates on our general fraternity, featuring a   an inspiring, heartfelt address calling for opti-
     common bond of fraternity living, though a gen-  keynote address by Indianapolis Mayor Greg   mism in life, broadening one’s scope of reading
     eration apart, can enhance students’ awareness  Ballard.                      resources, and engaging the competition for tal-
     in the Broad Beta domain and rekindle alumni   Former Purdue Chapter President Davey   ent and capital within life and business.
     interest. Millennials are proud multitaskers, but  Neal ’10 continued a multi-year passion of lead-  Mayor Ballard retired from the Marine Corps
     growing a relationship with coaching oversight  ership by aligning resources to provide a warm   with a lieutenant colonel officer’s commission. A
     is not a classroom taught skill. This is yet another  brotherhood experience. Jonathan Brant, Mi-  graduate of the Marine Corps Command and
     benefit to engagement in the living laboratory of  ami ’75 delivered an administration summary,   Staff  College,  he  attained  a  master’s  degree
     campus Greek life.                     discussing a developing “golden era” of Greek,   from the Marine Corps University and has re-
      Please make a point of visiting the Castle on   values-driven  growth  on  college  campuses.   ceived multiple awards. He also authored “The
     North Jordan whenever in Bloomington. Our   Chapter census growth, improved GPA among   Ballard Rules: Small Unit Leadership.”
     brotherhood connections extend throughout our   chapters, and investing in our members’ leader-    (continued on last page)
     lifetimes, yet are nurtured rather infrequently. I
     invite you to spend some time volunteering with
     our  advisors  and  our  house  corporation,  or
     dialing in for an executive teleconference via
     WebEx. Gifts to Pi chapter are always welcome
     through our Marching Along Educational Foun-
     dation, P.O. Box 5782, Bloomington, IN 47407.
                  Dr. Charles McCormick III ’72
           President, Marching Along Educational                                    (L-R) Charles McCormick ’72, President Dylan
                                 Foundation  (L-R) Will Gorgol ’18, Joey Chamness ’19, Aaron   Rochon ’17, Treasurer Andrew Gjertsen ’17, and
                                             Hackett ’19, and Nick McCormick ’06.   Ben Richter ’17.
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