Page 3 - Kai from Pi - Fall 2015
P. 3
News & Notes
Eight Years and
Still Going Strong
We have seen many changes take place at for years to come. Current improvements in-
1100 North Jordan Avenue over the years. clude HVAC additions, lintel renovations, and
Since taking occupancy in the fall of 2007, repainting the interior walls of the north wing
there always seems to be a need for updates common space, champion room, and dragon
and enhancements. We take great pride in room. It is because of YOU that we are able
the house and hope to secure the Pi legacy to complete this much-needed project.★
2015-’16 Executive Team IU Fraternity/
Nick Mpistolarides ’18 corporate innovation double Marketing and professional Sorority Town
President major; Spanish minor. sales double major; German
Indianapolis, Indiana and military science minor. Hall Meeting
Telecommunications major, the Jack McGeehan ’18
Media School; business minor, Rush Chairman Alex Rodriguez ’17
the Kelley School of Business. Wayzata, Minnesota Social Chairman On October 25, Student Life & Learning and
Informatics major with an Fishers, Indiana Dean Peter Goldsmith conducted a town hall
Matt Lorah ’18 emphasis on business. Economics major, the College meeting at McNutt Residence Hall to discuss
Vice President of Arts & Sciences; business, and develop a revised, updated administrative
Indianapolis, Indiana Troy Bishop ’17 marketing, financial literacy, model for fraternity and sorority operations. All
Entrepreneurship and Rush Chairman and entrepreneurship and Greek housing was represented in the rollout of
corporate innovation major, Detroit, Michigan small business management the collaborative plan, which seeks to strength-
the Kelley School of Business. Economics major, the minor, the Kelley School of en the administration of social activities involv-
College of Arts and Sciences; Business. ing alcohol.
Will Gorgol ’18 also studying finance and The Bloomington campus has traditionally
Secretary Mandarin Chinese. Landon Dungo ’18 had a no alcohol policy. It is absolute law, and
Fishers, Indiana Social Chairman any alcoholic activity is in violation of this poli-
Finance and real estate double Ty Dongoski ’18 Carmel, Indiana
major, the Kelley School of Pledge Educator Hopes to major in informatics cy. Clearly, alcohol consumption is ever-present
Business. Kildeer, Illinois or sports management. on campus, maybe more so in Bloomington
Finance and accounting than other schools.
Adam Burnam ’18 double major, the Kelley Dominic Bruni ’18 So everyone involved was intrigued to hear
Risk Manager School of Business. House Manager acknowledgement of such consumption, but
Columbia, Missouri Hebron, Kentucky only if it is beer or wine! Hard alcohol accel-
Finance major with a co- Jack McNamara ’18 Finance and accounting major, erates toxicity and is largely responsible for
major in entrepreneurship Alumni Relations the Kelley School of Business. emergency room visits. Hard alcohol has been
and corporate innovation, the Arlington Heights, Illinois forbidden at tailgate events for a few years,
Kelley School of Business. Finance and accounting Ben Richter ’18 and policing has led to improved, responsible
double major. Academic Chair student behavior. However, OWI citations are
Andrew Gjertsen ’18 New Palestine, Indiana still given to students.
Treasurer Sean Morrison ’18 Focusing primarily on This new paradigm of house operations would
Winnetka, Illinois Philanthropy Chair pre-medical coursework; call for a full-time administrative employee for
Finance and entrepreneurship/ Indianapolis, Indiana economics and math major. (continued on next page)