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Marching Along

                                                                      A Publication of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Florida | Summer 2018
                                       Gamma Xi Chapter Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 |

     FROM THE ALUMNI                                     THE TRUE MEANING OF

            PRESIDENT                                      BETA BROTHERHOOD

                      Brothers,                                  By Brooks Endacott ’93 and Todd Silberman ’92
                        As a new semester
                      begins at the Beta
                      house in Gainesville,
                      it is meaningful to
                      look back on the past
                      year and take pride in
                      what the men of the
                      Gamma  Xi chapter
                      accomplished.  The
                      previous year had been
     a down one, due mainly to being sanctioned
     by UF and the general fraternity and the lack
     of a fall pledge class. That was a major hit to
     Beta spirit as well as a financial hardship for the
      But in true Beta fashion, the men of the
     chapter came storming back last year. They
     initiated 60 excellent new brothers, excelled at
     athletics and academics, and were on-campus
     leaders both in student government and
     philanthropic events, like “Beta Bring It On.”           Betas show their support for the Warchol family.
     There’s just no quit in this group of young men,
     but would we expect any less? After all, they are   Like many Beta chapters across the country, the   The response from the brotherhood was
     Betas and Men of Principle.            Gamma Xi Chapter at the University of Florida  overwhelming:  “I’m  in;  just  tell  me  when  and
      In  1858  the fraternity  held  its  general   has had many young men come through its doors  where” they exclaimed. More emails and messages
                                                                           By Fred Wallrapp ’79
     convention  in  Virginia  to  commemorate  the   thinking they were getting involved in a college club  were  sent  and more responded  expressing  an
     19th anniversary of the founding of Beta Theta   of sorts, only to learn that it was much more. The  interest in attending. I realized there could be 20
     Pi. The men of Beta again met in  Virginia,   relationships built within Beta can be life long and  men attending. However, Jeff’s symptoms had
     this time Norfolk, for their 179th General   life changing.                   deteriorated since the fall. A feeding tube was now
     Convention  the  first  week  of  August  of  this   Jeff Warchol ’93, became a pledge in the fall of  required to for him to eat and take medicine, and
     year. While the convention is always a fun time,   1989. He was one of my pledge brothers. He was an  Jeff was nearly unable to speak.
     this year’s had a much more somber tone to it.   outgoing kid from the Northeast, very well liked and   I worked with Jeff’s wife, Beth Harwood Warchol,
     Over the past few years some Beta chapters have   he enjoyed the bonds of Beta brotherhood while at  also a graduate of the University of Florida, to
     experienced tragic events, including the loss of   UF. As we all learn, life takes over and many of those   (continued on page six)
     life among their members.              friendships fade or can even disappear over time.
      Unfortunately, Beta is not alone in fraternities   However, Jeff learned recently that his friendships
     experiencing these terrible events. After much   were deeper and more meaningful than he thought.
     study and self-reflection, it was concluded   I learned of the serious illness that Jeff and his
     that alcohol was often a contributing factor.   family were dealing with early in the fall of 2017.
     In  adherence  with our Objects  and  the   Jeff had been diagnosed with ALS, Bulbar onset.
     Men of Principle initiative, a resolution was   After reading a holiday card from the Warchols, I
     overwhelmingly passed at the convention   thought it would be nice to get as many members of
     to limit and eventually eliminate alcohol   the brotherhood together who knew and loved Jeff
     consumption in Beta Theta Pi chapter houses   to have a mini-reunion. I spent some time tracking
     nationwide. Starting with the fall semester, no   Betas down using various online tools, including
     hard liquor will be allowed in rooms, and there The message suggested a get together for
     will be no alcohol in common spaces. Beer and   Jeff in early 2018, knowing that Jeff’s disease was
     wine is allowed in rooms of those brothers who   moving quickly and had no cure.           Beth and Jeff
                      (continued on page six)
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