Page 6 - Marching Along - Fall 2018
P. 6

alumni spotlight

     BETA BROTHERHOOD                       jumped in to assist with planning and logistics.
                                            Now there was a team in place!
                                              Word spread like wildfire about the 25–30-year
     (continued from page one)              Beta Reunion to be held in Atlanta in support of
                                            Jeff’s battle with ALS. Beta Theta Pi brothers from
     determine a date. We agreed the reunion would be   near and far, who graduated well before and after
     in the Atlanta area, not only because it would be   Jeff, stepped up in support of the effort and cause.
     easy for the brothers to arrange travel, but also more   Emails came in one after another, confirming flights
     importantly, it would not require Jeff to travel and   to Atlanta for the weekend. Within only two days,
     he could easily maintain his treatment regimen. The   more  than  25  commitments had been  received.
     downside of the decided weekend was that it was   Jeff’s situation had touched the hearts of many who
     less than three weeks away, leaving very little time   knew and loved him. Being in Atlanta was clearly a
     for planning and travel arrangements.    priority. Obviously not everyone was able to make
                             R estaurants   the trip, for many reasons, but that did not diminish
                           were  booked  for   their support of the event and their dedication to   Jeff Warchol (left) with pledge dad Vince
                           socializing  and  assist. It was very humbling to see everyone rally for   Turturro (right).
                           the neighborhood   Jeff.
                           clubhouse   was    While excited for Jeff, Beth confessed he had   Hundreds  of  pictures  from  25-year-old  photo
                           chosen as a central   been depressed as of late. He was no longer able to   albums appeared, reminding all of their shared
                           gathering  spot.  speak and therefore did not like to go out in public.   fraternal bonds and great times spent together at
                           Jeff’s pledge father,   She worried he might not want to be  in public   UF.  Everyone reminisced their shared love of Beta
                           Vince  Turturro  with the group. The response was simple— Jeff was   Theta Pi, the University of Florida, and our brother,
       Look who showed up   ’92,  and  fellow   loved, and he would have no choice. Flights were   Jeff  Warchol.  The  initial  surprise  on  Jeff’s  face
       to Jeff’s party—Dolly   Beta brother David   booked and this reunion was in motion.  turned into a constant smile confirming the success
            Parton!        Asarnow    ’90,    Michael Barron ’94, suggested a fundraiser for   of the reunion.
                           both immediately                                          All costs were underwritten by a handful of
                                            the Warchol family. I floated the idea by Beth for
                                            approval, who advised a fundraiser was fine with   very generous brothers; to not only help attendees
                                            her. With her blessing, another email was blasted   curb their expenses, but to allow more funds to
     FROM THE ALUMNI                        to the group with only five days until the event.   be donated to the Jeff  Warchol Family Fund.
                                                                                   Donations flowed in from even more brothers
     PRESIDENT                              In short it stated a goal of raising $10,000 for Jeff’s   from around the country. Presenting a check in the
                                            Family Fund, in the hopes of presenting the funds
                                            to Jeff and his family, with no strings attached, to   amount of $25,000 to our friends, Jeff and Beth,
     (continued from page one)              be used for a vacation, medical expenses, college   was humbling and a true honor for me.
                                            tuition, or anything they needed. The group knew   Pledging and being a member of Beta Theta Pi
     are 21 years old and older for two years, after which   the amount was overly optimistic, especially in   while attending The University of Florida built
     the houses will be completely alcohol-free. Beer   light of the number of people attending, who were   many Men of Principle.  Our shared honor and
     and wine will be allowed for six alumni events each   already spending money on flights, cars, and hotel   love for each other spans great distances and even
     year—events that must be approved by the general   rooms.                     decades. As a group, we are proud and thankful to
     fraternity. Clearly this is a bold step being taken by   The weekend arrived and 41 members of the   have been a part of this true brotherhood and we are
     our brotherhood, and not one to be taken lightly or   Gamma Xi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi, from the   grateful to know and love Jeff Warchol and call him
     without a great deal of courage. It is never the wrong   University  of  Florida,  attended.  One  member   our brother. Plans are already in place for another
     time to do the right thing, and I believe this is both   stopped by the chapter house and borrowed the   Beta Reunion. In the months since the reunion, Jeff
     the right thing to do at precisely the right time. Now   Loving Cup, a symbol of Beta brotherhood, and   and Beth’s oldest son, Matthew, was accepted to UF
     more than ever, I thank God I am a Beta.    brought it to the reunion. With it in hand, the   where he plans to attend in the fall.
       If you want to give me your thoughts on the   first keg of beer was consumed in short order.   Sadly, Jeff passed away peacefully on July 18 in
     newsletter or relate things in your  life that you                            Marietta, Georgia, with his wife and kids by his
     would like to share with other Beta alumni, please                                      side and a smile on his face. ALS is a
     send them to me. My email address is fred@                                              very cruel disease. Jeff will be sorely We also invite you to please stop in                                      missed by his family, friends, and Beta
     to the house anytime you are in Gainesville. Lunch                                      brothers. Any Beta brother touched by
     is served on all football game days.  You will be                                       Jeff’s story that wants to donate to the
     welcomed and will enjoy meeting the young men                                           Warchol Family Fund, please contact
     there carrying on our Beta traditions.                                                  me at
                                                                                              Both Jeff and Beth were able to
     Yours in – kai –,                                                                       read the draft of this article before
                                                                                             his passing and gave their approval
                                                                                             to share. We are proud to share Jeff’s
                                                                                             story and to be able to share with
     Fred Wallrapp ’78                                                                       you what he and his family have
                                               Brothers Seve Williams (left) and Brooks Endacott    experienced. Jeff, you will be missed,
                                                      (right) join Jeff Warchol (center).    but never forgotten.

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