Page 5 - Marching Along - Fall 2018
P. 5

Alumni News

                                                                                      Memory & Our

                                                                                        Mystic Shrine

                                                                                     We are saddened to learn of the passing of
                                                                                    the following Beta Brothers. Our sympathies
                                                                                        go out to their family and friends.
                                                                                            Edward B. Knight ’38
       Gary W. Curren ’76 (pictured above, with wife
     Denise, sons Rory and Kyle, and daughter Megan),                                         Oscar H. Lewis ’43
     recently went independent and formed his own
     company. “Both of my Beta sons, Rory and Kyle,   Mark Dreusicke ’83 (Fall ’79 Golden BAMFs)   Frederick N. Ward ’57
     are enjoying success in their own fields. Rory is a  enjoyed a recent trip out of the country. “You guys   William T. Lester ’58
     Beta alum of UCF and was also a Beta regional  said to meet you in Korea at the DMZ. Where in
     leadership consultant for three years. My wife,  the heck is everybody? Am I on the wrong side of   Chris S. Bauer ’69
     Denise, and I are proud of both of them!  the fence?”                                   John W. Chorlog ’70

                                                                                             John R. Gillespie ’73
                                                                                             Robert S. Bosso ’89

                              Beta men at Homecoming 2017.

       HAVE ALUMNI NEWS?                                                            LEAVE A LEGACY

       We want to hear from you! Send your
      personal  updates,   accomplishments,                                         Consider a lasting gift that will support
      adventures,  and  photos   to   our                                           Beta Theta Pi long after you are gone.
      Communications   Coordinator  Kasey
      Breedlove at, or                                    By including the house corporation in
      simply fill out the back of the enclosed gift form                            your estate plans you ensure the long-
      and return it in the mail. We want to share it in                             term health and success of our frater-
      the next issue of Marching Along!               Homecoming 2017.              nity. Here’s what you and/or your ad-
                                                                                    visor might need to know.
              SAVE THE DATE: HOMECOMING 2018                                        Most  common  ways  to  include  the
                                                                                    house  corporation  are  through  your
                                                                                    will or life insurance.
                                                                                    Sample  language:  I  leave  the  sum  of
                                                                                    ($xxx.xx or xx% of my estate) to:
                                                                                    Gamma  Xi  Chapter  of  Beta  The-
                                                                                    ta  Pi  Housing  Corporation,  Tax
                                                                                    ID#  (Contact Brad  Fortune ’92  for
                                                                                    house corporation’s tax ID number)
                                                                                         c/o Beta Theta Pi
                                                                                         P.O. Box 6277/5134 Bonham
                                                                                         Oxford, OH 45056
                                                                                    **This  information is  not presented as
                                                                                    legal  or  tax  advice. Always  consult your
               join us november 3 when the gators take on                           advisors for questions you may have.**
                          the missouri tigers. time TBA.

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