Page 1 - Insight Newsletter Winter 2017
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Quarterly Newsletter for Doraville, GA Issue 4 Vol. 1 Winter 2016-17
Artist concepts of single-family and townhome designs for the new Carver Hills development being built in Doraville
Clearing, construction begins soon on Do-
raville’s “new” Carver Hills community
The new year holds renewed promise acres nearby for the site of a (then) in the neighborhood since it was
for Carver Hills, a nearly forgotten state-of-the-art automobile manu- founded. Now, seven decades later,
community on the outer northwestern facturing facility. As part of the pur- they gave unanimous support to the
edge of Doraville, bordered by chase agreement, GM helped relo- project, agreeing to sell their property
Peachtree Industrial Boulevard and I- cate the existing residents, who to Century Communities and move
285. Six months after plans to rede- were predominantly African- elsewhere. The site is the compilation
velop the area were announced by American, to a specially-created, of 34 property parcels purchased and
Century Communities’ Atlanta divi- assembled from former owners.
sion , all zoning, storm water, sewer exclusive 150-acre neighborhood Being built in four phases over the
and design concerns and qualifica- that was named Carver Hills in hon- next four to five years, the upscale
tions have been addressed (and in or of George Washington Carver. development will consist of 196
some instances exceeded) and clear- To pay homage to its heritage, Cen- three-story townhomes, 51 two-story
ing for the new development should tury Communities will retain that single-family homes and 1,100 park-
begin as early as March. name for the new development. ing spaces to accommodate residents
For decades, the historic community Multiple generations of Carver and visitors.
has quietly fallen into neglect, its Hills’ original residents have lived The residences will vary in size from
once bustling streets and properties 2,500-3,500 square-feet, featuring
becoming overgrown and dilapidated three to five bedrooms and two-car
as its population dwindled. The garages. Options will be available for
“new” Carver Hills created by Centu- decks, patios and other amenities for
ry Communities will feature a 36.48 the homes, especially those facing
acre mix of townhomes and single- wooded areas. The price point for
family homes comparable to the each property is currently planned to
growing array of similar develop- run from the high $300,000s for the
ments currently being built through- townhomes and mid-to-high
out Atlanta. $400,000s for the single-family
General Motors Corporation (GM) homes.
created the original community near-
ly 70 years ago after it bought 408 (Continued on Page 2)