Page 2 - Insight Newsletter Winter 2017
P. 2
By Dr. Shawn Gillen (From Page 1)
Another year has gone by and more and more great things are happening in Doraville. Carver Hills
In this issue of Insight, you will read about the new development in the Carver Hills ar-
ea. This is a transformative development that will include 247 town homes and single Detailed landscaping throughout
family houses. Carver Hills is only the beginning and 2017 will bring much more. As the gated community will create a
we move through the year, we will have exciting announcements for development in the sense of “country living” and
Assembly site and the Nexus development at the old KMART site. walking trails will be woven
As you will see on Page 12, we have also completed installation of the new entrance around the perimeter of the proper-
signs into the city. This was done in response to numerous comments from citizens and ty as well as a dog park and dog
to make an effort to greet visitors to Doraville in a more professional manner. The signs stations for pet owners.
were designed locally by graphic artist Michael Halbert, Northwoods. Michael also de- Plans also call for playgrounds,
signed the entrance signs installed at Northwoods entrance locations in 2014. Coming picnic tables, a clubhouse and
soon are new directional signs to city locations such as the library, city hall, court, the swimming pool for residents and
municipal pool, etc. additional features include an
I also hope you are pleased with the “tweaking” we’ve done with the Insight newsletter. abundance of sidewalks, accented
By rethinking coordination of our printing procedures, we will now be able to still bring by “pocket” and linear parks,
each issue to you quarterly, but each edition will feature 4-color photos on the front and providing connectivity to all points
back cover pages, without an increase in production costs. The newsletter is now being within the community.
sent to residents and businesses throughout the city. The first phase, a mix of town-
Stay tuned…the new year promises to be one of the best for Doraville. home and single-family home con-
struction, should start in July or
By Doraville Mayor Donna Pittman August with the first home clos-
ings planned for late 2017. As one
I look forward to a very exciting year for our city in 2017! A new year always gives us phase progresses, preliminary steps
pause for reflection, so let’s take a moment to ponder all that we accomplished in 2016. for the next phase will create a
In the past year, we laid out plans for a new city center, launched our Parks & Recreation continuous cycle of building, clos-
master plan and put the new leaf truck into operation. The city received thousands of ing and selling of the properties.
dollars in grants for improvements, we introduced a New Peachtree Road streetscape Founded in 2002, Century Com-
concept and garnered positive feedback from citizens through the Design Doraville initi- munities builds single-family
ative that will provide a blueprint for Doraville’s growth for the next 20 years. homes, townhomes and flats in
Among the businesses finding a new home here in 2016 are Third Rail movie studios, select major metropolitan markets
Dunkin’ Donuts, Bojangles, Otogentics, Metro Bank, Coaxum Seafood Restaurant and a in Colorado, Texas, Nevada, Geor-
new Nissan dealership. A gateway partnership was created with the nearby cities of gia and Utah.
Brookhaven, Chamblee and Dunwoody to work on projects that will benefit all four cit-
ies. New IT improvements have been made to Doraville’s financial management pro- Doraville Businesses:
gram, file management, a new 911 system, exchange service for emails, better offsite Don’t forget to renew
information storage and emergency response and a new city website was launched. your Occupational
A Little Free Library was installed in Honeysuckle Park to improve literacy, paving and Tax Certificate!
storm water improvement projects were launched citywide, a Winters Chapel road im-
provement plan unveiled, body cameras were purchased for our police officers and traffic All commer cial and r esidential
calming devices installed in various neighborhoods to improve resident safety. businesses located within the City
I want to personally thank Dr. Gillen, our City Council, businesses and residents for put- of Doraville are required to obtain
ting their support behind all of these projects. an Occupational Tax Certificate
As we look forward to 2017, I know more exciting projects will become a reality, mak- (OTC) in or der to conduct busi-
ing Doraville an even greater place to live! ness within the city limits. Certifi-
Insight is published quarterly for the citizens of Doraville. We appreciate and welcome cates are valid for one year and
your input. Please contact Bob Kelley, Doraville Public Information Officer, email: rob- expire December 31st. Renewals are due on or before
March 31, 2017. Visit the city’s
2 web page at to ob-
tain the application on the Forms
and Application page and scroll
down under “Business Services.”
Avoid fines, suspension or loss of
license - don’t forget to RE-
Doraville Insight, Winter 2017