Page 2 - The Alpha Gam - Delta Sigma Phi GT - Winter 2018-19
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   Chapter News

                          A WORD FROM THE CHAPTER                                  Delta Sigma Phi Stays

                      Dear Brothers,       rushed around to share their favorite new rooms or share   “Tied” to Philanthropy
                                           war stories from the old house. Because of your support,
                         First  and  foremost,  we are living in one of the nicest houses on campus.  This semester our
                      thank you.  We owe the   But a house is nothing without people to fill it with   chapter  has  started
                      success of our new chapter   personality, stories, and brotherhood.  This semester,   a  new  philanthropy
                      house to you, the men who   we made this place our home. We brought in fantastic   event, “Delta  Sigma
                      built it.  Whether we saw   new brothers, held tailgates, sold ties for philanthropy,   Tie.” Delta Sigma  Tie
                      you at the Homecoming   and continued to push our motto forward onto the next   offers name-brand ties
                      celebration, at a tailgate, or   generations of this chapter. With our first semester com-  at a steep discount, and
                      on the Century Campaign   plete, we look to the future, reassured by the support   all proceeds go to the
                      donor plaques, we cannot   we found in our alumni this year. Thank you for being   American Red Cross.
     thank you enough. Initiated in the spring of 2017, I was   there.             We found a liquidation
     a member of the last pledge class to see the old house.                       offer to buy store-return
     Now, at the end of our first semester in our new home,   YITBOS,   Find us on   and last-in-stock ties for
     we reflect on what it took to get here.                    facebook           an amazing deal. So far,   The shipment of ties
       It was not easy operating without a house last year,                        we have opened the sale   came in two boxes that
                                                                                                       weighed 48 pounds!
     but our culture bound us together as it always does.                          to brothers and alumni
     Moving in this fall, nearly half our brotherhood learned   Adam Hayward       at our alumni tailgate, have already sold over 100 ties,
     what it means to have a house for the first time. As each   Chapter President  and have turned a profit! We plan to create a larger Delta
     brother arrived in August, the house erupted as brothers   godeltasig         Sigma Tie event in the upcoming spring semester, and
                                                                                   potentially coordinate with our social director to host a
                                                                                   “My-Tie” date night event in order to further support the
                                                                                   American Red Cross.
                                                                                    Delta Sigma Phi Brothers browse the Delta Sigma
                                                                                           Tie table in the chapter room.

          Alpha Gam celebrated another wonderful holiday season and hopes you did, too!

     Homecoming, New Pledges Lead to a Busy Semester at Alpha Gam

        A warm welcome and congratulations to the   “Ship-Wrecked at Tech”                      Mini 500:
        newest pledge class! We can’t wait for the   To HULL With Georgia—Delta Sig’s 60-foot   Delta Sig’s Mini 500 team ended up taking
         great things these new members will do!  shipwreck won first place at homecoming.  5th place at homecoming!
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