Page 6 - The Alpha Gam - Delta Sigma Phi GT - Winter 2018-19
P. 6

Alumni News

     Decades of Delta Sigs Reconnect, Celebrate at Chapter House

       On Friday, October 12, over 350                                                         large) chapter room. Drinks and great
     Delta Sigs and their guests gathered                                                      conversation flowed late into the night.
     to  dedicate  the new  chapter house                                                         The next morning, the brotherhood
     and celebrate a successful Century                                                        rallied to cheer on Delta Sigma Phi’s
     Campaign. This is believed to be the                                                      fixed body entry in the Homecoming
     largest gathering of GT Delta Sigs                                                        Wreck Parade as it earned first place
     ever.                                                                                     honors. With foggy heads and hoarse
       After a cocktail hour and house                                                         voices, the brotherhood dutifully con-
     tours, brothers and guests gathered for                                                   vened  for the annual  ACB meeting.
     the formal house dedication. Century                                                      This  writer  suspects  that  attendance
     Campaign Chairman Moe Trebuchon                                                           was largely sustained by a well-timed
     ’83 delivered remarks and thanked                                                         Chick-Fil-A catering delivery.
     the dozens of era leaders, class                                                             What was an all-time high point
     agents, ACB members, and building                                                         for Delta Sig was followed by a low
     construction partners who made the                                                        point for GT football, losing to Duke
     dream of a new chapter house a real-                                                      in the Homecoming game. Fortunately,
     ity.  There was a dedication speech,                                                      the 2018 season sharply turned around
     where Moe was surprised as the chap-                                                      in the weeks to follow.
     ter house was dedicated in his honor.                                                        Setting aside the disappointment
     In  the  final  ceremony,  glasses  were                                                  on  the gridiron, Homecoming 2018
     raised to toast the foundation to Delta                                                   will long be remembered in Delta Sig
     Sig’s bright future at Georgia Tech.                                                      lore.  To view and download photos
       A tasty dinner was served, fol-                                                         from the Friday night celebration at
     lowed by Delta Sigs dancing through                                                       no charge, visit https://rebeccaclaire.
     the decades in the new (and still quite   Members from various decades returned to the chapter house, to reconnect and
                                           celebrate the end of a successful Century Campaign.

     Alumni Spotlight           (continued from previous page)                      NOTES AND NEWS FROM OUR ALUMNI

     we work to give them a safe envi-                    Australia this year, we hope.  George L. Fechter ’87 writes in, saying, “Going to
     ronment where they can learn and                     What advice can you give   many, many concerts and searching for a new job.
     develop their skills.                                the alumni and  young     But recent opportunities with AFLAC, and hopefully
     Why do you feel it’s impor-                          actives about life?       Lowes, are making life better. I just went on Rock and
                                                                                    Roll Legends Cruise IV with Sammy Hagar, Quiet Riot,
     tant to give back to the                                Count your blessings! Simply   Bad Company, Molly Hatchett, Blue Oyster Cult, Uriah
     community?                                           attending classes at a well-known   Heep, Artimus Pyle Band, and many more.”
       My wife Nancy and I have been                      and highly respected institute such
     very blessed, and we recognize that                  as Georgia Tech is a privilege that
     we didn’t get here on our own. Our                   very few people will ever have.
     schools, which were a large part of                  Recognize the gift you have been   A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR
     why we are where we are today,                       given, appreciate it for what it is,
     depend on the donations of alumni                    and use that gift for the good of   In the previous issue of the Alpha Gam we mistakenly
     and friends, as does the fraternity.   Bill and Nancy at the Fox Theatre   yourself and those around you.  listed Brother Stephen Boothe ’65 as deceased. Brother
     The house I enjoyed when I was    in Atlanta.                                  Boothe is very much alive and with us! We apologize
     there was built by the generosity                                              for the error and any unnecessary distress that it may
     of brothers before me, and I want to continue that legacy.                     have caused you or your family. Thank you for your
     And, in a more general sense, there are those out there who                    understanding and for assisting us with this correction.
     for whatever reasons have not been as fortunate as we have   SAVE THE DATE!
     been so we give back as we can, when we can. “There, but
     for the grace of God, go I.”                   ALPHA GAMMA OPEN                        Bond Eternal
     In your free time, what do you do for fun?
       I love to tinker—take stuff apart, see how it works, and   the second most prestigious golf tournament    We are saddened to learn of the
     fix things. I also like to come up with new ideas, or new   in georgia in april      passing of the following brothers:
     ways to do things. I keep a pad close by and write down   Saturday, April 27, 2019
     ideas constantly… and every now and then I’ll actually   Marietta City Club             Ronald C. Mazeau ’55
     build  something. I’ve played softball for over 40  years
     now—since intramurals, and with Bill Rhinehardt ’77 (also   Scramble format, mid-morning shotgun start  Welborn O. “Ned” Darden ’66
     the best man in my wedding)—and I hope to continue play-
     ing for years (I’m only 62!). Nancy and I love to travel and   RSVP to Stan Hill by March 31:
     see the world. Trips are mostly for history (Italy, Egypt) and
     for nature (Africa, Galapagos, Madagascar); we’re off to

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