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Kanzia, J. (2019). The CO₂ crisis: What’s Meehan, T. (2019). Occupational health King Conservation Science Scholars in
happening to our oceans? Presentation to the and safety from a zoo perspective. University partnership with John G. Shedd Aquarium
Teen Conservation Leadership Conference, of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and Lincoln Park Zoo teen program
hosted by CZS’s King Conservation Science Course: DVM-MPH degree program, participants, Dominican University,
Scholars in partnership with John G. Shedd Urbana, IL. River Forest, IL.
Aquarium and Lincoln Park Zoo teen Meehan, T. (2019) A zoo veterinarian’s Pendola, M. (2019, May). Brookfield Zoo PD
program participants, Dominican University, overview of carnivores. Chicago Zoological and zoo emergency procedures. Presentation
River Forest, IL. Society Advanced Inquiry Master’s Degree to the West Suburban Chiefs of Police
Langan J. N. (2019). Reptile parasitology, Program, Carnivore Session, Brookfield, IL. Association.
anesthesia & analgesia in reptiles. Presentation Meehan, T. (2019). Zoological medicine: Strahl, S. (2019, May). Recipient of honorary
at Purdue University College of Veterinary Animal health, wildlife conservation and Doctor of Humane Letters degree,
Medicine-Medicine of Aquatics, disease research at Brookfield Zoo. Teen Dominican University, River Forest, IL.
Amphibians, and Reptiles (MOAAR) Conservation Leadership Conference, hosted Strahl, S. (2019, May). Participant in
Symposium, West Lafayette, IN. by CZS’s King Conservation Science Scholars Luminary Dinner and Conversation Event
McHugh, K. (2019, January). Sarasota in partnership with John G. Shedd Aquarium sponsored by SOS-Children’s Villages
Dolphin Research Program. Presentation and Lincoln Park Zoo teen program Illinois, Millennium Park, Chicago, IL.
to Mote Marine Laboratory, Anders Frikke participants, Dominican University, Strahl, S. (2019, July). From South American
Class, Sarasota, FL. River Forest, IL. jungles to the Everglades to Brookfield Zoo—
McHugh, K. (2019, January). Drones in Nichols, Anne (2019, July). How we manage Connecting the career path of a conservationist.
dolphin research. Presentation to Community animals in zoos at the SSP level. Panel Presentation to the Teen Conservation
Day School, Sarasota, FL. presentation to the Teen Conservation Leadership Conference, hosted by CZS’s
McHugh, K. (2019, February). Dolphins: Leadership Conference, hosted by CZS’s King Conservation Science Scholars in
Our coastal neighbors. Presentation at Island partnership with John G. Shedd Aquarium
Library Travel & Lecture Series, Anna Maria and Lincoln Park Zoo teen program
Island, FL. participants, Dominican University, River
McHugh, K. (2019, March). Presentation to Forest, IL.
Ecotour Outreach Workshop, Fishermen’s Strahl, S. (2019, November). Participated in
Hall, Cortez, FL. Chicago United CEO Roundtable
McHugh, K. (2019, May). Sarasota Dolphin Discussion, Annual Chicago United Bridge
Research Program. Presentation to Mote Awards, Chicago, IL.
Marine Laboratory, Mette Mark Class, Tyson Moore, R. B. (2019, March).
Sarasota, FL. The world’s longest-running study of a wild
McHugh, K. (2019, May). Sarasota Dolphin dolphin population: Lessons from 48+ years
Research Program. Presentation to Mote and 5 generations. Presentation to Duke
Marine Laboratory, Wooster School, University, Nicholas School of the
Lener Class, Sarasota, FL. Environment, Marine Megafauna course,
McHugh, K. (2019, July). Dolphins: Durham, N.C.
Our coastal neighbors. Presentation to Wells, R. S. (2019, February). The world’s
Florida Master Naturalist Program, Coastal longest-running study of a wild dolphin
Systems Course, Mote Marine Laboratory, population – Lessons from 48+ years and five
Sarasota, FL. generations. Presentation to Mote Marine
McHugh, K. (2019, September). Dolphins: Science Course, Sarasota, FL.
Our coastal neighbors. Presentation to Wells, R.S. (2019, March). Dolphin field
Ringling College of Art + Design, research approaches and techniques.
Sarasota, FL. Presentation to Aquatic Wildlife Health
Meehan, T. (2019). A zoo veterinarian’s Course, University of Florida, College of
perspective on ecosystem health. University Veterinary Medicine, Gainesville, FL.
of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Wells, R. S. (2019, March). What dolphins can
Course: Ecosystem Health, Urbana, IL. tell us about the effects of red tides. Presentation
to Duke Tampa Bay Alumni Association,
Tierra Verde, FL.