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Cush, C., McBride, S., & Wells, R. S. (2019,    Dunn, C., Claridge, D., Herzing, D.,               Gorsuch, C., Quick, M., & Sullivan, S.
February). Gulf of Mexico Dolphin Identifica-   Volker, C., Melillo-Sweeting, K., Wells,           (2019). African Painted Dog (Lycaon pictus)
tion System (GoMDIS) – A collaborative effort   R. S., Turner, T., & O’Sullivan, K. (2019,         AZA Species Survival Plan® Yellow Program.
to better understand bottlenose dolphin move-   December). Satellite-linked telemetry study        Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual
ments. Poster presentation, Gulf of Mexico      of a rehabilitated and released Atlantic spotted   Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference,       dolphin in The Bahamas provides insights into      Hazelkorn, R. A., Wells, R. S., Siders,
New Orleans, LA.                                broader ranging patterns and conservation          Z. A., DeLynn, R., & Lovewell, G. N.
Cush, C. C., McBride-Kebert, S., Wells, R.      needs. Poster presentation, World Marine           (2019, December). Examining physical
S., Adams, J., Fujioka, E., & Urian, K. (2019,  Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain.               maturity in known common bottlenose dolphins
December). Gulf of Mexico Dolphin Identifica-   Dziobak, M., Wells, R. S., Pisarski, E.,           of Sarasota Bay, Florida. Poster presentation,
tion System (GoMDIS)—A collaborative            Wirth, E., & Hart, L. B. (2019, December).         World Marine Mammal Conference,
program to better define bottlenose dolphin     Sex, age, and hormone correlates of phthalate      Barcelona, Spain.
( Tursiops truncatus) movements. Poster pre-    exposure among common bottlenose dolphins          Hernández-Ramírez, G., McHugh, K.,
sentation, World Marine Mammal Confer-          ( Tursiops truncatus) from Sarasota Bay,           & Rycyk, A. (2019, August). Effects of boat
ence, Barcelona, Spain.                         Florida. Poster presentation, World Marine         noise on vocal behavior in common bottlenose
                                                                                                   dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus). Poster presen-
DeGuise, S., Levin, M., Jasperse, L.,           Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain.               tation, National Science Foundation’s Re-
Gebhard, E., Herrman, J., Smith, C.,            Fellner, W., Wells, R. S., & Stamper, M. A.        search Experiences for Undergraduates
Townsend, F., Wells, R., Balmer, B.,            (2019, December). Presence of rake marks           Program, Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquar-
Zolman, E., Rowles, T., & Schwacke, L.          in common bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops           ium, Sarasota, FL.
(2019, December). Changes in bottlenose         truncatus) across age and sex classes: What's      Jensen, F. H., McHugh, K. A., Wells,
dolphin immune functions associated with the    normal? Poster presentation, World Marine          R. S., Sweeney, J., Stone, R., Tyack, P. L.,
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Northern     Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain.               & Fahlman, A. (2019, December). Adapta-
Gulf of Mexico, a recurrence? World Marine      Gomez, F., Colegrove, K., Huston, S., Hsu,         tions of biosonar behavior to a deep-diving
Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain.            A., Linnehan, B., Musser, W., Takeshita, R.,       lifestyle in offshore bottlenose dolphins.
DeGuise, S., Levin, M., Jasperse, L.,           Harms, C., Rowles, T., Zolman, E., Balmer,         World Marine Mammal Conference,
Gebhard, E., Smith, C., Townsend, F.,           B., Townsend, F., Wells, R., Schwacke, L.,         Barcelona, Spain.
Wells, R., Balmer, B., Zolman, E., Rowles,      Jensen, E., & Smith, C. (2019, December).          Kanzia, J. (2019). AZFA 101. Panel
T., & Schwacke, L. (2019, February). Recur-     Assessment of sublethal cardiac injury in bottle-  presentation, Aquarium & Zoo Facilities
rence of bottlenose dolphin immune function     nose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus) in the Gulf    Association (AZFA), Oklahoma City, OK.
change associated with the Deepwater Horizon    of Mexico following exposure to Deepwater          Kelly, L.-A.D., Breen Bartecki, S.,
oil spill in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf  Horizon oil-associated chemicals. Speed talk       Grosshandler, D., & Howard, M. (2019,
of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science         presentation, World Marine Mammal                  May). Community relationships & conservation
Conference, New Orleans, LA.                    Conference, Barcelona, Spain.                      leadership. Poster presentation, American
                                                                                                   Alliance of Museums (AAM) Annual
                                                                                                   Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
                                                                                                   Kelly, L.-A.D., Brink, M., Kovacs, A.,
                                                                                                   Theuman, J., Copeland, A., & Wilcox, C.
                                                                                                   (2019, July). Zoo staff and volunteer profes-
                                                                                                   sional development in informal science learning.
                                                                                                   Poster presentation, Visitor Studies Associa-
                                                                                                   tion (VSA) Annual Conference, Detroit, MI.
                                                                                                   Kelly, L.-A.D., Brink, M., Kovacs, A.,
                                                                                                   Theuman, J., Copeland, A., & Wilcox, C.
                                                                                                   (2019, September). Zoo staff and volunteer
                                                                                                   professional development in informal science
                                                                                                   learning. Poster presentation, Association
                                                                                                   of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Annual
                                                                                                   Conference, New Orleans, LA.
                                                                                                   Kelly, L.-A.D. (2019, September). Leadership
                                                                                                   in zoo volunteer and staff professional devel-
                                                                                                   opment. In K. Crawford (Chair), Moving
                                                                                                   beyond management: Helping volunteer manag-
                                                                                                   ers prioritize effective leadership development.
                                                                                                   Symposium, Association of Zoos and
                                                                                                   Aquariums (AZA) Annual Conference,
                                                                                                   New Orleans, LA.

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