Page 18 - Impact Report 2017
P. 18

Edith Rockefeller
McCormick Society Members

The Edith Rockefeller McCormick Society recognizes friends who have provided for the Chicago Zoological
Society in their estate plans or through a planned gift. Planned gifts include charitable gift annuities,
gifts of full or partial interests in homes, gifts of retirement plan assets, and will or trust provisions.

Anonymous (18)                          Sharon Giese                                             John and Linda Lulewicz              Peter and Saundra Spilotro
Mrs. L.W. Alberts                       Lyle E. Gillman                                          Sandy and Jerry Manne                Marie Spinozzi-Marotta
Lolita, Lee, Aya, and Poppy             Bonnie A. Greene                                         Sharon S. Manuel                     Richard and Annette Steinke
                                        Delta and Tom+ Greene                                    Casimir and Caroline Matras          Tami J. and Charles Stencel
  Alkureishi                            Mr. and Mrs. John P. Grube                               Laurie S. Mattenson                  Dr.  and  EMllresn. +J.SAtonrtthzony  Stepul
Denise L. Bartolotta                    Sandy and Thomas Harder                                  Karen and Ron Maydew                 Jan  and
Lisa and Steve Bathey                   Alan C. Henderson                                        Carol and Earl Miller                Melissa and Stuart Strahl
Stephen P. Bent                         William F.+ and Mary Louise                              Norma Jean+ and Evan T. Miller, Jr.  Liselotte Stuben
Heather M. Bilcer                                                                                Karen and Jim Moore                  Robert and Patricia+ Sypniewski
Arlene Bonet and Walter McIntyre          Hendrickson                                            Jean A. Mueller                      Nancy C. Tameling
Rudolph+ and Karen I. Botel             Larry and Sandy Hite                                     Char Nemec                           Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III
Mena and David Boulanger                Nancy and Bob Hoel                                       Mary V. Neubecker                    Sara and Roger Taylor
Lillian+ and Robert Breda               Kelly Lynn Hughes                                        Eric Nielsen                         Cathy and Dave Terrill
Christina and Sergio Carpanzano         Mrs. Lillian M. Ihnchak                                  Mary I. Nodulman                     Vivian B. Terrill
Dr. Lee M. Cera and William P.          Joyce K. Jacks                                           Karla J. and Dennis D. Norkey        Teri and Jay Thomas
                                        Mary and Gary Jenkins                                    Al and Amy Ottens                    Mary and Bill Thonn
  Roberts                               Carol J. Jepson                                          Marjorie and James Pehta             Ms. Carla M. Thorpe
Aldona+ and Carol Cerney                Arlene R. Jerstad                                        David and Carole Perlman             Susan E. Tressler
Frances and Arthur Clark                Yvonne A. Johnson                                        Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Peterson      Linda L. and John P. Wander
William and Mary Sue Coates             Linda R. Kahn                                            Terri A. and Michael A. Reyes        Anne Wandler
Max Cohen+ and Anida Johnson            Martha and Robert Kellams                                Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ritt           Cynthia Woods Weinand
                                        Leonard J. Kouba                                         Marilyn J. Roraff                    Sherri R. Weindorf
  “Cookie” Cohen                        Bea and John+ Koza                                       Chatka Ruggiero                      Sandra Wilcoxon and William
Christin M. Darge Germann               Dr.+ and Mrs. Richard Krejsa                             Nancy+ and Lou Schauer               DuPree
Amy T. Dickinson                        Loretta and Gene Kucharczyk                              Larry and Melanie Schimka            William H. Wischoeffer
Sandra L. Dornhecker                    Kunkler and Crown Families                               Kathy L. Schleicher                  Rita M. Witkowski and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Duckworth          Michael and Barbara La Vant                              Nancy E. Schulze and                 Brian D. Ranallo
Cheryl and Douglas Duggar               Earl Lane                                                                                     Linda M. Wolff
Joanne and Bob Dulski                   Marilyn+ and Ruel Lehman                                   Scott W. Schulze                   Cindy and Bill Zeigler
MJr.anMiciechKa.elEPm. Emmermt+ert and  David Allen Lipinski                                     Sally L. and Robert J. Shepard
Russell M. Evans                        MMaarrcyieAa. nLdisnMerike+ Love                         R. Thomas and Elinor M.              +Deceased
Mary and Bruce Feay for the Feay        Sara Norris Love
  Keeper Enrichment Fund
Dennis J. Forgue

Planned Gifts

The Chicago Zoological Society recognizes the following people for their bequests,
legacies, and estate gifts, as well as their gifts to Society endowments.

Endowment and Estate Gifts              LBRoeetvist.yEa+nbadinnMgdeDrrs+.aEviddg+arHCes.sPeara+  MSr.teainndhaMusres.r+Edward J.
                                        Mrs. Betty S. Peary+                                     Mr. Henry W. Szymanski+
Anonymous (1)+                          Mr. and Mrs. James D. Severa+                            Mary A. Urzendowski+
Ms. Cheryl L. Aldrich+                  Ms. Sarah H. Siebert+                                    +Deceased
Marge Brumis+
Ms. Susan M. Burrows+
The Community Foundation

  of Western North Carolina

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