Page 20 - Impact Report 2017
P. 20

Volunteers                                                    King Conservation Science Scholars help spread CZS’s mission by sharing
                                                              information about wildlife and nature with guests around the park.

In 2017, our 1,319 volunteers (1,043 adults and 276 teens) contributed a total of 85,327 hours to CZS.
Based on standards established by The Independent Sector, the value of this service to the zoo
is $2.22 million. Thank you, volunteers, for your continued passion and commitment to our work.

Volunteers            Jerome Atkins        Alexandra Bedard   Juliet Brava        Liz Bures             Kristie Charmoy
                      George Bailey        Gabi Bellino       Kelly Bredlau       Paul Bures            Jeannine Christensen
Tim Adams             Gale Bakalik         Meghan Belovsky    Nellie Brennan      Paulie Bures          Martha Christy
Ben Adelman           Edith Balch          Kelli Bender       Gail Bressner       Ray Burkhardt         Diana Cisek
Marc Adelman          Marge Bald           Joanne Benes       Chuck Bretz         Missi Byrne           Diane Coan
Jim Ahlgrim           Mary Kay Baldridge   Maureen Bennett    Dan Brodin          Mary Callaghan        Lawrence Colvin
Robert Aitchison      Pamela Barnes        Gene Biela         Alison Brown        Pat Campbell          Tori Comerford
Bill Albrecht         Lois Barnett, CIG    Jennifer Bigelow   Doris Brown         Joan Canchola         Paul Connor
Patrick Alden, Ed.D.  Helen Barnhisel      Mike Bigos         Gerry Brown         Theresa Caporelli     Nick Cooney
Suzy Alexander        Erika Barren-Tucker  Pam Bjork          Loretta Brown-      Catherine Carhart     Bob Copp
Mercedes Alvarez      Bob Barrick          Lauren Blackman                        Gail Carlson          Sam Cordero
Leslie Amiot          Tammy Barrientos     Joanna Block         Lawrence, Ed.D    Peggy Carlson         Sara  CCootutsghlin+
Cara Ammon            Antonette Barrows    Erin Blott         Donna Broz, CIG     Christina Carpanzano  Tom
Carolyn Andruscavage  Jan Bates            Shelley Blume      Robbie Buchanan     Emily Carpenter       Charisse Coulombe
Cameo Arnold          Steve Bathey         Celeste Boughner   Barbara Buczkowski  Chris Carr            Tim Crowley
Samantha Arnold       Lisa Bathey          Christopher Boyes  Larry Buenz         Terry Carthay         Alexander Cruz
Violet Arnold         Lucy Bayer           Betty Bratschun    Cheryl Bullerman    Samantha Castiglione  Ed Cryer
Marie Arrigoni        Ron Becker           Ruth Braun         Christie Buralli    Brandon Ceplecha      Sue Culver
Victoria Arriola      Jeff Beckman                            Ellen Burek
Ronna Ashum

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