Page 24 - Impact Report 2017
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CZS Published Work

Books and Book Chapters                            Photiades, J. (2017). North American Regional                 the Punta San Juan Marine Protected Area, Peru.
                                                   Studbook: Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat                         Journal of Wildlife Diseases. doi:10.7589/2016-
Cárdenas-Alayza, S. (2017). South American        (Lasiorhinus latifrons). Brookfield, IL: Chicago              12-270
fur seal. In B. Wursig,  J.G.M. Thewissen, & K.    Zoological Society.                                           Aitken-Palmer, C., Ware, L. H., Braun, L., Lang,
Kovacs (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals,     Raboy, B.E., Lacy, R. C., Callicrate, T., & Lees,             K. & Joyner, P. H. (2017) Novel radiographic
3rd Edition (pp. 905-907).                         C. M. (2017). MetaModel Manager. User’s                       technique for pregnancy detection in the maned
Cárdenas-Alayza, S. (2017). South American        Manual. Brookfield, IL: Chicago Zoological                    wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) without anesthe-
sea lion. In B. Wursig,  J.G.M. Thewissen, & K.    Society.                                                      sia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(1),
Kovacs (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals,     Reese, J.  (2017). El milagro: A baby dolphin                 204-207.
3rd Edition (pp. 908-910).                         abandoned by his mother beats the odds. In                    Ampuero Merion, L. P., Ayala Torres, F.,
Copeland, A. (2017). The Chicago bear cubs.        Humane Heroes: Remarkable Animals and the                     Cárdenas-Alayza, S. (2017). Primer registro
In Humane Heroes: Remarkable Animals and the       People Who Protect and Care for Them (Vol. 3, pp.             documentado de la Dormilona de Vientre Canela
People Who Protect and Care for Them (Vol. 2,      1-5). Cos Cob, CT: Chicken Soup for the Soul.                 (Muscisaxicola capistratus) para la costa peruana
pp. 1-5). Cos Cob, CT: Chicken Soup for            Sullivan, S. & Murphy, T. (2017). Bearded                     durante su migración austral. Boletín Informativo
the Soul.                                          Emperor Tamarin (Saguinus imperator subgrise-                 de la Unión de Ornitólogos del Perú (UNOP),
Copeland, A. (2017). The Chicago bear cubs.        scens) AZA Species Survival Plan® Red Program                 12(1). 
In Humane Heroes: Remarkable Animals and the       Population Analysis and Breeding & Transfer Plan.             Ardente, A. J., Wells, R. S., Smith, C. R., Walsh,
People Who Protect and Care for Them (Vol. 3,      Chicago, IL: AZA Population Management                        M. T., Jensen, E. D., Schmitt, T. L., Colee, J.,
pp. 63-67). Cos Cob, CT: Chicken Soup for          Center.                                                       Vagt, B. J., & Hill, R. C. (2017). Dietary cation-
the Soul.                                          Stacey, R. (2017). Population Analysis & Breeding             anion difference may explain why ammonium
Frankham, R., Ballou, J. D., Ralls, K., Eldridge,  a–n2dnTdraEndsifteironP.lans - Gray Seals Halichoerus grypus  urate nephrolithiasis occurs more frequently in
M. D. B., Dudash, M. R., Fenster, C. B., Lacy,     Warneke, M. (2017). International Callimico                   common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
R. C. & Sunnucks, P. (2017). Genetic Manage-       (Callimico goeldii) Studbook.                                 under human care than in free-ranging common
ment of Fragmented Animal and Plant Popula-                                                                      bottlenose dolphins. Journal of Animal Science.
tions. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.        Peer-Reviewed Publications                                    doi:10.2527/jas2016.1113.
Gorsuch, C., Quick, M., & Sullivan, S. (2017).                                                                   Baker, I., O’Brien, J., McHugh, K. & Berrow, S.
African Painted Dog (Lycaon pictus) AZA Species    Adkesson, M. J., Levengood, J. M., Scott, J. W.,              (2017). An ethogram for bottlenose dolphins
Survival Plan® Yellow Program Population Analysis  Schaeffer, D. J., Langan, J. N., Cárdenas-Alayza,             (Tursiops truncatus) in the Shannon Estuary,
and Breeding & Transfer Plan. Brookfield, IL:      S., de la Puenta, S., Majluf, P., & Yi, S. (2018,             Ireland. Aquatic Mammals, 43, 594-613.
Chicago Zoological Society.                        epublished in 2017) Assessment of polychlori-                 doi:10.1578/AM.43.6.2017.594.
Hamilton, D. & Sullivan, S. (2017). North          nated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, and               Balko, J. A., & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2017).
American River Otter (Lontra canadensis) AZA       polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the blood of                Advancements in evidence-based anesthesia of
Species Survival Plan® Green Program Population    Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) from                 exotic animals. Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal
Analysis and Breeding & Transfer Plan. Brook-                                                                    Practice, 20(3), 917-928.
field, IL: Chicago Zoological Society.

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