Page 25 - Impact Report 2017
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Balko, J. A., & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2017). Pontoporia blainvillei (Cetartiodactyla, Pon- in adult maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus).
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Gaines, B. R. & Posner, L. P. (2017). Propofol Wells, R. S., & Waltzek, T. B. (2017) Genome Wells, R. S., Telander, A. C., Marcy, P. W., Kla-
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Bejarano, A. C., Wells, R. S. & Costa, D. P. Desoubeaux, G., Le-Bert, C., Fravel, V., Kane, L. P., Langan, J. N., Adkesson, M. J.,
(2017). Development of a bioenergetic model Clauss, T., Delaune, A. J., Soto, J., Jensen, E. Chinnadurai, S. K., Nevitt, B. N., & Drees, R.
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variation in growth and early survival in free- (2017). Peruvian fur seals (Arctocephalus austra- 143–158. doi:10.3354/esr00775.
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tion. doi:10.1111/acv.12384. byronia) in Peru are exposed to the harmful algal K. C. III, Brent, L. J. N., Clark, C. W., Croft,
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Chinnadurai, S. K., Balko, J. A., & Williams, & Stanoss, R. (2017). The complex relationship Lindemann, D. M., Allender, M. C., Rzadkows-
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Chinnadurai, S. K., Johnson, J. G. III, James, Eppley, T. M., Byrne, R. W., & de Waal, trodon piscivorus) and Massasauga rattlesnakes
G., & Langan, J. N. (2017). Comparison of 3 F. B. M. (2017). Chimpanzee uses manipula- (Sistrurus catenatus) with snake fungal disease.
methods for preventing perianesthetic hypother- tive gaze cues to conceal and reveal information Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(3).
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(2017). Applicability and limitations of sensitiv-
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