Page 29 - Impact Report 2017
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Wells, R. S. (2017, April). Sarasota Bay’s dolphins Baker, I., O’Brien, J., McHugh, K. & Berrow, Brink, M. (2017, September). Reflecting on
– lessons from 46 years of research. Presentation to S. (2017, October). Bottlenose dolphin life history practice: advancing the conversation on developing
Freedom Boat Club. Mote Marine Laboratory, and population demographics in the Shannon education professionals. Association of Zoos and
Sarasota, FL. Estuary, Ireland. 22nd Biennial Conference on Aquariums Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, NS. Bryant, J. B. & Roth, T.L. (2017, October). An-
Wells, R. S. (2017, May). Sarasota Bay’s dolphins Baker, M. (2017, February). NGSS & engineer- nual fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations
– lessons from 46 years of research. Presentation ing design process. Illinois Computing Educators in pregnant and pseudo-pregnant polar bears (Ur-
to local ecotour operators. Mote Marine (ICE) Conference, St. Charles, IL. sus maritimus). Third International Symposium
Laboratory, Sarasota, FL. Balko, J.A., & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2017, of Zoo Animal Welfare, Brookfield, IL.
September). Evaluation of the cardiorespiratory Callicrate, T., & Traylor-Holzer, K. (2017). One
Wells, R. S. (March, 2017). Sarasota’s dolphin and anesthetic effects of intramuscular alfaxalone species, one plan: integrating ex situ management
community: conservation focus and model. compared to isoflurane inhalant and manual options as part of a one plan approach to conserva-
Presentation to Suncoast Waterkeepers, restraint in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus tion. Workshop: Strategies for Saving Songbirds
Sierra Club, F.I.S.H. Brunch for the Bay, undulatus). 2017 Scientific Meeting of American by Linking In Situ and Ex Situ Conservation,
Bradenton, FL. College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, Front Royal, VA.
Nashville, TN. Camp, C., McHugh, K., Tyson, R. & Mann, D.
Wells, R. S. (2017, November). Sustainable life Balko, J.A., Adkesson, M. J., & Chinnadurai, S. (2017, July). Evaluation of Sarasota Bay’s marine
with our aquatic neighbors – the dolphins of Sara- K. (2017, May). Use of Near-infrared Spectroscopy soundscape and its impact on clarity of bottlenose
sota Bay. Keynote Address. Presentation to 12th (NiRS) to assess regional cerebral perfusion in the dolphins’ whistles. Mote Marine Laboratory NSF
Annual Sustainable Communities Workshop, South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) REU Poster Session, Sarasota, FL.
Sarasota County, FL. and South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens). Castellini, J. M., O’Hara, T., Gulland, F.,
2017 Scientific Meeting of the International Wells, R., Rea, L., Quakenbush, L. & Berner, J.
Wells, R. S., McHugh, K. A., Sayigh, L. S., Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine, (2017, October). Use of Nobuto™ filter papers for
Tyack, P. L. and Mann, D. (2017, May). What Cancún, MX. analyses of contaminants, nutrients, carbon (C) and
Sarasota Dolphins tell us about dolphin communi- Balko, J. A., Adkesson, M. J., & Chinnadurai, S. nitrogen (N) stable isotopes, and serology in blood.
cation. Presentation to South Florida Museum, K. (2017, May). Evaluation of a pressure-sensitive Poster presentation, 22nd Biennial Conference
Bradenton, FL. walkway system for characterization of gait in on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax,
Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti). 2017 NS.
Wells, R. S. (2017, March). The world’s longest- Scientific Meeting of the International Associa- Chinnadurai, S. K., Balko, J. A. & Adkesson, M.
running study of a dolphin population: lessons from tion for Aquatic Animal Medicine, Cancún, MX. J. (2017, May). Evaluation of a pressure-sensitive
four decades and 5 generations. Presentation to Balko, J. A. & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2017, walkway system for characterization of gait in
Mote Marine Laboratory Basic Marine Science May). Immersion euthanasia of smokey jungle frogs Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti). 2017
Class, Sarasota, FL. (Leptodactylus pentadactylus) using tricaine meth- Scientific Meeting of the International Associa-
anesulfonate (MS–222). 2017 Scientific Meeting tion for Aquatic Animal Medicine, Cancún, MX.
Whitham, J.C. (2017, May). WelfareTrak®: a tool of the International Association for Aquatic Conners, M., Shorter, A., Zhang, D., Gabaldon,
for monitoring the welfare of individual animals. Animal Medicine, Cancún, MX. J., Stacey, R., & Miller, L. J. (2017, Septem-
Presentation to the University of Illinois Animal Balko, J. A., Gatson, B. J., Cohen, E. B., ber). Small tags have big potential for monitoring
Welfare Club, Brookfield, IL. Griffith, E. H., & Harms, C. A. (2017, May). welfare of cetaceans in professionally managed care.
Inhalant anesthetic recovery following intramuscu- Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual
Presentations at Professional Meetings lar epinephrine in the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
caretta). 2017 Scientific Meeting of the Interna- Copeland, A. (2017, November). CIG turning
Adkesson, M.J. et al. (2017, May). Panel presen- tional Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine, loss into gain. National Association for Interpreta-
tation on veterinary education and international Cancún, MX. tion (NAI), National Conference, Spokane, WA.
opportunities for veterinary training. 2017 Scien- Balmer, B., Wells, R., Howle, L., Barleycorn, A., Copeland, A. (2017, September). CONNECT.
tific Meeting of the International Association for McLellan, W., Pabst, A., Rowles, T., Schwacke, Chicago Wilderness Climate Summit, Chicago, IL.
Aquatic Animal Medicine, Cancún, MX. L., Townsend, F., Westgate, A. & Zolman, E. Copeland, A. (2017, November) A dialogue
(2017, September). Factors influencing transmis- about dialogue—sharing perspectives while learn-
Adkesson, M. J. et al. (2017, September). Panel sion duration on fin-mounted tags. Cetacean Tag ing from each other and our visitors. National
discussion: “roundtable: new approaches to quaran- Development, Tag Follow-up, and Tagging Best Association for Interpretation (NAI), National
tine.” American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Practices Workshop, Silver Spring, MD. Conference, Spokane, WA.
Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. Bassos-Hull, K., Gaylord-Opalewski, K., Copeland, A. (2017, October). Pollinators and
Hofeldt, K., Busse, A., McHugh, K., Wharton, people. Rights of Way as Habitat Working Group
Allen, J. B., Weideman, H. J., Tyson, R. B., J. & Wells, R. (2017, October). Student scientists: Two-Day Conference, Chicago, IL.
Holmberg, J., Stewart, C. V., Urian, K. & Wells, Conservation capacity building by involving
R. (2017, October). Advances in automated dorsal teenagers in research and outreach. 22nd Biennial
fin matching – experimental evaluation of a new Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals,
algorithm. 22nd Biennial Conference on the 22-27 2017, October, Halifax, NS.
Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, NS.
Andrews, J., Snyder, T., & Che-Castaldo, J.
(2017, September). Moving the needle toward
sustainability: investigating post-hatch and post-
etrpainscsofeprussu) rspvievcaielsisnurthvievballupel-agnre®y. tanager (Thraupis
Presentation at
the poster session at the AZA National Confer-
ence. Indianapolis, IN.