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Aitken-Palmer, C., Sturgeon, G. L., Bergmann,          Copeland, A. & Zite-Stumbris, J. (2017).                                                (Otaria byronia) and Peruvian fur seals (Arcto-
J., Knightly, F., Johnson, J. G., Ivančić, M.,         Mission based dialogue. Published in the National                                       cephalus australis) in Peru.  Proceedings: Ameri-
deMaar, T. W., Carboni, D. A., & Adkesson, M.          Association for Interpretation (NAI), Certified                                         can Association of Zoo Veterinarians, pp. 62-63.
J. (2017). Enhancing conservation through veteri-      Interpretive Guide Workbook.                                                            Tyson, R. B., Pinaik, W. E. D., Domit, C.,
nary care of the white-bellied tree pangolin (Manis    Edwards, M., Adkesson, M., & Cárdenas-Alay-                                             Nowacek, D. P. & Fuentes, M. P. B. (2017).
tricuspis).  Proceedings:  American Association of     za, S., & Hirons, A.C. (2017) Peruvian pinnipeds                                        Behavioural response of juvenile green sea turtles
Zoo Veterinarians, pp. 150.                            as archivist of ENSO effects off the coast of Peru.                                     (Chelonia mydas) to the FaunaGuard Turtle
Ampuero, L. (2017). Impacto de depredadores            22nd Biennal Conference on the Biology of                                               Module. Final Report Prepared for VanOord,
introducidos sobre la población reproductiva de        Marine Mammals. Halifax, NS.                                                  
zarcillos (Larosterna inca) en Punta San Juan, Ica,    Gonzales, D. (2017). Efectos del momento de cría                                        Vilchez Delgado, F., Llerena, C., Ecehvarría,
Perú. World Seabird Twitter Conference 2017            en el esfuerzo forrajero de cormoranes guanay en                                        L., Escobar, L. L., & Cárdenas-Alayza, S.
(#WSTC3).           Perú. World Seabird Twitter Conference 2017                                             (2017). Histological description of post estrous
status/852159971118723074.                             (#WSTC3).                                                adult female reproductive tract in South American
Balko, J. A., Adkesson, M. J., & Chinnadurai,          status/852616974081302528.                                                              fur seal of the Peruvian subpopulation (Arctocepha-
S. K. (2017). Evaluation of a pressure-sensitive       Lindemann, D. M., Allender, M. C., Thomp-                                               lus australis). 33rd World Veterinary Congress,
walkway system for characterization of gait in         son, D., Glowacki, G. A., Newman, E., &                                                 Incheon, KR.
Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti).              Adamovicz, L. A. (2017). Evaluation of a novel                                          Wells, R. S. (2017). Dolphin interventions in
Proceedings:  Zoo and Wildlife Health                  herpesvirus as a sentinel for population health in                                      the NE Gulf of Mexico. Final Report: John
Conference, Berlin, DE.                                endangered Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandin-                                       H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assis-
Balko, J. A., Adkesson, M. J., & Chinnadurai           gii).  Proceedings: American Association of Zoo                                         tance Grant Program, Award No. NA12N-
S. K. (2017). Evaluation of a pressure-sensitive       Veterinarians, pp. 118-119.                                                             MF4390152.
walkway system for characterization of gait in         Martony, M. E., Ivančić, M., Gomez, F. M.,                                              Wells, R. S. 2017. Post-release monitoring of
Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti).              Meegan, J. M., Nollens, H. H., Schmitt, T. L.,                                          injured or stranded cetaceans in the Southeastern
Proceedings: 48th Annual International                 Erlacher-Reed, C. D., Carlin, K. P., & Smith, C.                                        U.S. Final Report: John H. Prescott Marine
Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine                R. (2017).  Establishing marginal lymph node ul-                                        Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program,
(IAAAM) Conference, Cancún, MX.                        tradsonographic characteristics in healthy bottlenose                                   Award No. NA14NMF4390187.
Balko, J. A., Adkesson, M. J., & Chinnadurai           dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).                                                          Williams, R., Lacy, R. C., Ashe, E., Hall, A.,
S. K. (2017). Use of Near-infrared Spectroscopy        Meager, J. J., Limpus, C. J., Long, T., Blyde, D.,                                      Lehoux, C., Lesage, V., McQuinn, I., &
(NiRS) to assess regional cerebral perfusion in the    & Wells, R. (2017). Tracking humpback dolphins                                          Plourde, S. (2017). Predicting responses of St.
South American fur seal (Arctocephalus austra-         using satellite tags: a pilot study. Final report to                                    Lawrence beluga to environmental change and
lis) and the South American sea lions (Otaria          James Cook University.                                                                  anthropogenic threats to orient effective manage-
flavescens). Proceedings: 48th Annual Interna-         Sheldon J. D., Adkesson M. J., Allender M.                                              ment actions. DFO Canada Science Advisory
tional Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine         C., Jankowski G. R. & Cárdenas-Alayza S.                                                Secretariat Research Document 2017/027.
(IAAAM) Conference, Cancún, MX.                        (2017). Measurement of intraocular pressures using
Balko, J.A., Lindemann, D. M., & Chinnadurai,          rebound tonometry in South American fur seals                                           Theses and Dissertations
S. K. (2017).  Evaluation of the anesthetic and        (Arctocephalus australis) and South American sea
cardiorespiratory effects of intramuscular alfaxalone  Plieornus.(4O8ttahr iAa nflnauveaslceInnst)erfnroamtioPnuanl tAasSsoacniaJtuiaonn, for  Ampuero M., L. P. (2017). Comportamiento
compared with isoflurane inhalant and manual           Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM) Confer-                                                 y éxito reproductivo del Zarcillo Larosterna
restraint in the budgerigar. Proceedings: 2017         ence, Cancún, MX.                                                                       inca (Lesson, 1827) según selección de nido en
Scientific Meeting of American College of              Shippee, S., Wells, R. S. & McHugh, K. A.                                               Punta San Juan, Marcona, Ica, Perú 2014. (Hon-
Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia.                   (2017). Testing tackle modifications and fish de-                                       ours thesis), Arequipa, Univ. Nacional de San
Brink, M., Freedlund, M., Matiasek, J., &              scender tools for reducing dolphin depredation and                                      Agustín de Arequipa, Fac. Cien. 95 p.
Theuman, J. (2017). Volunteers and Nature              scavenging of sport fish. Final Technical Report,                                       Lauderdale, L. K. (2017). Efficacy of cognitive
Play: Making It Happen! Association of Zoos &          Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium                                                enrichment for bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops trun-
Aquariums Conservation Education Committee             Project No. R/MG/DC-34.                                                                 catus): Evaluation of planning abilities through
Newsletter, 12(1), 34-35.                              Strahl-Heldreth, D. E., Clark-Price, S. C., Keat-                                       the use of a novel problem solving task (Doctoral
Copeland, A. & Berlinski, A. (2017). Is Mission        ing, S. C. J., Graham, L. F., & Chinnadurai, S.                                         dissertation). Available from ProQuest Disserta-
based dialogue for me? Published in the National       K. (2017) Determination of dose and antinocicep-                                        tions and Theses database. (No. 10273307)
Association for Interpretation’s 2017 Conference       tive effects of intracelomic alfaxalone in common                                       Lindemann, D. (2017) Epidemiology of a Novel
Sourcebook.                                            garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis). Proceedings:                                       Herpesvirus in Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blan-
Copeland, A. & Zite-Stumbris, J. (2017). CIG           2017 Scientific Meeting of American College of                                          dingii). (Master’s Thesis). University of Illinois
turning loss into gain. Published in the National      Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia.                                                    College of Veterinary Medicine, Urbana, IL.
Association for Interpretation’s 2017 Conference       Tang, K., Adkesson, M. J., Adamovicz, J.,
Sourcebook.                                            Cortes-Hinojosa, G., Cárdenas-Alayza, S. &
Copeland, A. & Zite-Stumbris, J. (2017).               Allender, M. C. (2017). Detection of herpesvirus
Mission based dialogue Published as part of            in wild populations of South American sea lions
Eppley University’s Intro to Dialogic
Interpretation Online Curriculum.

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