Page 38 - Impact Report 2017
P. 38
Women's Board The Women’s Board also provided support for the following
Society programs:
Each year, the Chicago Zoological Society’s Women’s Board
successfully raises awareness about Society programs, reaches out • Bird Conservation Through Diet Management
to the diverse communities that the Society serves, and provides • Community Engagement For Dolphin Conservation
direct support for conservation, animal care and welfare, and • Crowdsharing Environmental Action
education efforts. • CZS Animal Welfare Research Team Dolphin Welfare
Since its founding 25 years ago, the Women’s Board has raised • Developing Non-Invasive Methods for Monitoring
more than $30 million to support the Society, and we are grateful Bottlenose Dolphin Welfare
for its partnership. In 2017, it secured more than $1.5 million • Echidna Diet Development and Research
through two “not-to-be-missed” events: The Whirl and Wines in • NatureStartTM Network
the Wild. • Punta San Juan Initiative
• Zoo Adventure Passport (ZAP!)
Proceeds from the events were used to host outreach events at • A Zoo For All: Inclusion and Access at Hamill Family
Brookfield Zoo for underserved and developmentally challenged Play Zoo
children and their families and to award scholarships for young
women and men to pursue conservation studies in college and
conservation careers.
Members of CZS’s Women’s Board at Howl-O-Wines in the Wild.