Page 35 - Impact Report 2017
P. 35

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                        GENERAL OPERATING FUND                              TOTAL ALL FUNDS
                                                                   2017 2016                                2017 2016

STATEMENT      REVENUES AND OTHER SUPPORT                    ,    ,                             ,     ,
OF ACTIVITIES  Forest Preserve District                              -           -                                   -           -

                  Tax Collections                            ,      ,                              ,      ,
                  Capital Reimbursements                     ,      ,                              ,      ,
               Admissions & Guest Services                     ,       ,                             ,
               Membership Dues                                                                                             ,
               Contributions & Sponsorships                          -           -                                      ,
               Federal, State & Other Grants                   ,       ,                                     -
               Net Assets Released                                                                                               -
               Investment Income                                                                          ,       ,
               Donated Goods & Services                                                                  ,
               Other Income                                    ,       ,                               ,         
                                                            ,     ,                             ,        ,
               Total Revenues & Other Support                                                                           ,
               EXPENSES                                                  ,
               PROGRAM SERVICES                                            ,                            ,     ,
                  Animal Collection & Conservation Programs ,        ,                              ,     ,
               Admissions & Guest Services                  ,               -                            ,     ,
               Care of Buildings & Grounds                   ,                                          ,       ,
               Public Education & Communications            ,                                              ,       ,
               Marketing & Public Relations                 ,          ,                               ,       ,
               Depreciation                                 -              ,                                          
               Donated Goods & Services                                 ,
                                                                                                               ,       ,
               SUPPORTING SERVICES                                                                           ,       ,
                                                                        ,                                ,       ,
               Management & General                         ,        ()
               Fundraising                                  ,        ,                                             
               Membership                                   ,                                           ,     ,
               Donated Goods & Services                                                                   ()      ()
                                                                                                             ,     (,)
               Total Expenses                               ,
                                                                                                            ,    ,
               Change in Retiree Medical Benefits Liability  ()                                             ,     (,)
               Changes in Net Assets                         ,                                                  -           -
                                                                                                                     -           -
CHANGES        Net Assets beginning of year                                                                              -
IN FUND        Change in Net Assets from above                 ,       ,                            ,    ,
BALANCES       Debt Service - Revenue Bonds                    ()       ()
               Capital Fund Transfers
               Other Fund Transfers                          (,)     (,)
                                                               ()       ()
               Net Assets end of year
                                                                     

STATEMENT      ASSETS                                        ,     ,                             ,     ,
OF FINANCIAL      Cash and Investments                                                                   ,       ,
POSITION          Pledges & Grants Receivable                        -           -                                              -
                  Due from Forest Preserve District                                                                 
                  Inventories                                        -           -
                  Park Improvements, net                                                                    ,     ,
                                                             (,)       ()                               ,       ,
               Net Deferred Bond Issuance Costs & Other     ,     ,
               Total Assets                                                                                 ,    ,
                                                             ,      ,
               LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS                      ,       ,                             ,      ,
                  Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities           -           -                             ,       ,
                  Deferred Revenue                             ,       ,                             ,      ,
                  Revenue Bonds Payable                        ,       ,                               ,       ,
                  Accrued Sick Pay                                                                       ,       ,
                  Accrued Postretirement Benefits                                                                          
                  Other                                     ,     ,
                                                                                                            ,     ,
               Total Liabilities
               Net Assets                                                                           ,    ,
               Total Liabilities and Net Assets             ,     ,                             ,

               For a complete set of audited financial statements, please contact the office of the Director.

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