Page 32 - Impact Report 2017
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Staley, M. (2017, February). Understanding            Theuman, J. (2017, September). Conservation            durante el periodo estacional julio - agosto en
emerging infectious disease outbreaks in wild birds.  ninjas­—adaptation and experimentation in train-       RNSIIPG - Punta San Juan 2017. VII Congreso
Quarterly research meeting, Chicago Zoological        ing and delivering impactful conservation messages.    Latinoamericano de estudiantes de ciencias
Society-Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, IL.               Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual               veterinarias, Universidad  Nacional Pedro Ruiz
Staley, M., Conners, M. G., Hall, K., Miller,         Conference, Indianapolis, IN.                          Gallo, Lambayeque, PE.
L. J. (2017, October). Immunoglobulin A as an         Theuman, J. (2017, September).  Effectively            Weideman, H. J., Jablons, Z. M., Holmberg, J.,
indicator of zoo animal welfare. Third Interna-       resolving conflict with volunteers. Association        Flynn, K., Calambokidis, J., Tyson, R. B., Allen,
tional Symposium on Zoo Animal Welfare,               of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference,               J.B., Wells, R. S., Rankmore, K., Urian, K., &
Brookfield, IL.                                       Indianapolis, IN.                                      Stewart, C. V. (2017, October). Integral curva-
                                                                                                             ture representation and matching algorithms for
Staley, M., Hill, G. E., Josefson, C. C.,             Triggs, L., Shaffer, A., Stangohr, S., DeNardo,        identification of dolphins and whales. 2017 IEEE
Armbruster, J. W., & Bonneaud, C. (2017, July).       D., Bellows, C., Stacey Vondra, R., & Beck,            International Conference on Computer Vision
Insights into the factors limiting disease emergence  K. G. (2017, October). A collaborative effort:         Workshop (ICCVW), Venice, IT.
in a natural host-pathogen system. Joint Meeting of   breeding the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus         Wells, R., Fahlman, A., Moore, M., Jensen, F.,
the American Ornithological Society and Society       divergens). International Marine Animal Trainers’      Sweeney, J., Stone, R., Barleycorn, A., Trainor,
of Canadian Ornithologists. East Lansing, MI.         Association Conference, Riviera Maya, MX.              R., Allen, J., McHugh, K., Brenneman, S.,
                                                                                                             Allen, A., Klatsky, L., Douglas, D. & Tyson,
Strahl, S., Burns, K., Carter, S., Swan, K. &         Tyack, P., Jensen, F., McHugh, K., Janik, V.,          R. (2017, October). Bottlenose dolphins in the
Tingly, K. (2017, September). Diversity &             Sayigh, L, Wells, R. & Macfarlane, N. (2017,           Sargasso Sea–ranging, diving, and deep foraging.
inclusion – report on CZS success “integrating        October). Signature whistles in bottlenose dolphins    22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of
diversity and inclusion into the culture, strategy    facilitate reunions and advertise identity but are     Marine Mammals, Halifax, NS.
and function of an organization.” Association of      not always necessary for location monitoring. 22nd     Whitham, J. C., & Miller, L. J. (2017,
Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference,                 Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine           October). WelfareTrak®: a web application for
Indianapolis, IN.                                     Mammals, Halifax, NS.                                  monitoring individual animal welfare. Poster
                                                                                                             presentation, Third International Symposium
Strahl-Heldreth, D. E., Clark-Price, S. C.,           Toms, C., Stone, T., Whitehurst, H., & Findley,        on Zoo Animal Welfare, Brookfield, IL. 
Keating, S. C. J., Graham, L. F., & Chinnadurai,      H. (2017, August). A report on the potential           Wilkinson, K. A., Borkhataria, R. R., Wells,
S. K. (2017 September) Determination of dose          influence of a record breaking flood event on          R. and Pine III, W. E. (2017, October).
and antinociceptive effects of intracelomic           bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) popula-        Highway to the danger zone: the influence of
alfaxalone in common garter snakes (Thamnophis        tions in Pensacola Bay, Florida. Southeast Student     seascape characteristics on predation risk for
sirtalis). 2017 Scientific Meeting of American        Chapter Symposium (SESC): A Chapter of                 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). 22nd
College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia,       the Society for Marine Mammalogy,                      Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine
Nashville, TN.                                        Hattiesburg, MS.                                       Mammals, Halifax, NS.
                                                                                                             Zeigler, F. W. (2017, April). Crocodilian exhibit
Sullivan, S. (2017, September). Global train-         Tori, S., Och, T., & Toms, C. (2017, August).          design and husbandry. Association of Zoos and
ing and capacity building: developing the Species     Tracing skin lesions on the common bottlenose          Aquariums Professional Development Course
Conservation Toolkit Initiative (SCTI) strategy.      dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): is it worth the ef-      on Crocodilian Biology and Professional
Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual              fort? 2017 University of West Florida Summer           Management, St. Augustine, FL.
Conference, Indianapolis, IN.                         Undergraduate Research Program Symposium,
Sullivan, S. (2017, September). The Species           Pensacola, FL.                                         Scientific, Contract, and Technical Reports,
Conservation Toolkit Initiative (SCTI): providing     Tori, S., Och, T. & Toms, C. (2017, August).           Conference Papers
quantitative tools for conservation. European         Tracing skin lesions on the common bottlenose
Association of Zoos and Aquaria Annual                dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): is it worth the effort?  Adkesson, M. J. & Cárdenas-Alayza, S.,
Conference, Emmen, NL.                                Southeast Student Chapter Symposium (SESC):            contributors to BirdLife International (2017). 
Sullivan, S. (2017, September). Global training       A Chapter of the Society for Marine                    Spheniscus humboldti. The IUCN Red List of
and capacity building: developing the Species         Mammalogy, Hattiesburg, MS.                            Threatened Species 2017:
Conservation Toolkit Initiative (SCTI) strategy.      Tyson, R. B., Piniak, W. E. D., Domit, C.,             eT22697817A111228184.
European Association of Zoos and Aquaria              Mann, D., Hall, M., Nowacek, D. P. & Fuentes,          Adkesson M. J., Balko, J. A. & Chinnadurai, S.
(EAZA) Annual Conference, Emmen, NL.                  M. M. P. B. (2017, April). Applications for            K. (2017). The “caregiver placebo effect” on zoo
Sullivan, S. (2017, October). The Species             studying fine-scale behaviors of marine turtles in     animal welfare: Application of a pressure sensitive
Conservation Toolkit Initiative (SCTI): our           response to sound. 2017 International Sea Turtle       walkway system for objective evaluation of lameness
approach to training and capacity building. IUCN      Symposium, Las Vegas, NV.                              in non-domestic animals.  Proceedings: Interna-
SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group            Tyson, R. B., Allen, J. B. Allen, McHugh, K. A.        tional Symposium on Zoo Animal Welfare.
(CPSG) Annual Meeting, Berlin, DE.                    & Wells, R. S. . (2017, October). Reliability of       Adkesson M. J., Balko, J. A. & Chinnadurai, S.
Tang, K. (2017, May ). A comparison of isoflurane,    photographic-identification capture-mark-recapture     K. (2017). The “caregiver placebo effect” on zoo
sevoflurane and desflurane inhalant anesthesia in     methods for estimating bottlenose dolphin abun-        animal welfare: application of a pressure-sensitive
steller sea lions. 2017 Scientific Meeting of the     dance. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology         walkway system for objective evaluation of lameness
International Association for Aquatic Animal          of Marine Mammals, Halifax, NS.                        in a zoo setting.  Proceedings: American Associa-
Medicine, Cancún, MX.                                 Vilchez Delgado, F., Escobar, L. L., & Cárdenas-       tion of Zoo Veterinarians, pp. 146-147.
Theuman, J. (2017, August). Designing the             Alayza, S. (2017, September). Monitoreo de
ultimate volunteer program.  Illinois Conference      abortos y colecta de muestras a partir de fetos
of Volunteer Administrators, Chicago, IL.             de Arctocephalus australis (Zimmermann, 1783)

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