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Copeland, A., & Berlinski, A. (2017, Novem-              chimpanzees. Poster presentation, 40th Meeting        T. & Schwacke, L. (2017, October). Measuring
ber.) Is mission based dialogue for me? 2017             of the American Society of Primatologists,            blubber cortisol in biopsies: a valuable approach to
National Association for Interpretation (NAI)            Washington, DC.                                       assess relative stress levels across cetacean species in
National Conference, Spokane, WA.                        Hall, K., Staley, M., Bryant, J., Whitham, J., &      the wild. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biol-
Damato, J. & Meisenbach, J. (2017, March).               Miller, L. (2017, September). Validating Welfare-     ogy of Marine Mammals, Halifax, NS.
Zoo for all: providing inclusion resources for early     Trak® as a tool to improve the welfare of individual  Kovacs, A. & Brink, M. (2017, October).
childhood education programs. Power of Play              animals. Association of Zoos and Aquariums            Reflecting on practice. Midwest Environmental
Conference 2017, National Inclusion Project,             Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.                  Educators Conference, St. Charles, IL.
Raleigh, NC.                                             Hall, K., Staley, M., Bryant, J., Whitham, J.,        Lacy, R. C. (2017, April). Tools for managing
Daniels, J. (2017, July). CZS cross-fostering of         & Miller, L. (2017, October). Validating              island populations. New Zealand Department of
Mexican gray wolves: preparations and process.           WelfareTrak® as a tool to improve the welfare of      Conservation, Auckland, NZ.
Binational Mexican Wolf SSP Meeting, UMA                 individual chimpanzees. Third Meeting of the          Lacy, R. C. (2017, June). One plan approach:
Buenavista del Cobre and Grupo Mexico, Cana-             International Symposium on Zoo Animal                 working together for species conservation. Latin
nea, MX.                                                 Welfare, Brookfield, IL.                              America Zoo Association (ALZPA) Annual
Daniels, J. (2017, August). Carnivore safety. AZA        Hamilton, D. & Sullivan, S. (2017, September).        Conference, Havana, CU.
Canid Husbandry Workshop, Cincinnati Zoo,                North American river otter (Lontra canadensis)        Lacy, R. C. (2017, August). Training in advanced
Cincinnati, OH.                                          AZA species survival plan® green program. Associa-    techniques for population modeling with Vortex.
Gorsuch, C., Quick, M., & Sullivan, S. (2017,            tion of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference,         AZA Reproductive Management Center,
September). African painted dog (Lycaon pictus)          Indianapolis, IN.                                     St. Louis, MO.
                                                                                                               Lacy, R. C. (2017, October). Overview of
AZA species survival plan® yellow program.               Hart, L. B., Alten Flagg, M., Wischusen, K.,          Species Conservation Toolkit Initiative. IUCN
Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual                 Wells, R. S, McFee, W. E., Kucklick, J., Pisarski,    SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group
Conference, Indianapolis, IN.                            E., Wenzel, A., Wirth, E. & Beckingham, B.            annual meeting, Berlin, DE.
Greenfield, M., Rubenstein, D., McHugh, K.               (2017, October). Pilot study of phthalate metabo-     Lacy, R. C., Sullivan, S., & Miller, P. (2017,
& Wells, R. (2017, October). Effect of anthropo-         lite concentrations in urine of common bottlenose     November). Outbreak software for modeling
genic injuries on the social associations of bottlenose  dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from Sarasota Bay,      infectious disease. Disease Risk Assessment
dolphins in Sarasota Bay, Florida. 2017 Student          FL. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of        Workshop. IUCN Conservation Planning
Conference on Conservation Science,                      Marine Mammals, Halifax, NS.                          Specialist Group, Sao Paulo, BR.
New York, NY.                                            Ivančić M.  Advanced dolphin ultrasonongraphy         Lauderdale, L. K., Messinger, C., Wells, R. S.,
Gulland, F. M. D., and Wells, R. S. (2017,               workshop. (2017, May.) 2017 Scientific Meeting        Mitchell, K.A., Messinger, D., Stacey, R. &
April). VaquitaCPR project - planning for possible       of the International Association for Aquatic          Miller, L. J. (2017, October). Advancing the use
capture and vaquita sanctuary. Annual Meeting            Animal Medicine, Cancún, MX.                          of morphometric data for estimating and managing
of the Marine Mammal Commission, North                   Jensen, F., Byrskov, R., McHugh, K., Wells, R.        bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) weights.
Falmouth, MA.                                            S., Tyson, R. B., Sweeny, J., Stone, R., Tyack,       International Marine Animal Trainers’ Associa-
Hall, K. (2017, April). Validating WelfareTrak®          P. & Fahlman, A. (2017, September). Acoustic          tion Conference, Riviera Maya, MX.
as a tool to improve the welfare of individual           tags demonstrate adaptations of biosonar behavior     Lauderdale, L. K., Messinger, C., Messinger, D.,
chimpanzees. Chimpanzee SSP Husbandry                    between coastal and offshore bottlenose dolphin       Stacey, R., Mitchell, K., & Miller, L. J. (2017,
Workshop, Shreveport, LA.                                ecotypes. 6th International Bio-logging Science       October). Advancing the use of morphometric
Hall, K., Staley, M., Bryant, J., Whitham, J.,           Symposium, Konstanz, DE.                              data for estimating and managing bottlenose
& Miller, L. (2017, August). Validating Welfare-         Kellar, N., Wells, R., Catelani, K., Trego, M.,       dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) weights. Poster
Trak® as a tool to improve the welfare of individual     Robins, M., Kownacki, A., Balmer, B., Rowles,         presentation, International Marine Animal Train-
                                                                                                               ers’ Association Conference, Riviera Maya, MX.
                                                                                                               Lauderdale, L. K., Miller, L.J., & Stacey, R.
                                                                                                               (2017, October). Efficacy of an interactive
                                                                                                               apparatus as cognitive enrichment for bottlenose
                                                                                                               dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Poster presentation,
                                                                                                               Third International Symposium on Zoo Animal
                                                                                                               Welfare, Brookfield, IL.
                                                                                                               Lindemann, D. M., Allender, M. C., Thompson,
                                                                                                               D., Glowacki, A., Newman, E. & Adamovicz,
                                                                                                               L. (2017, September). Evaluation of a novel
                                                                                                               herpesvirus as a sentinel for population health in
                                                                                                               endangered Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandin-
                                                                                                               gii). American Association of Zoo Veterinarians
                                                                                                               Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

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