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Luebke, J. F. (2017, July). The role of empathy       engagement through social media. Poster presenta-     Reese, J., & Mendez, Y. (2017, March).
and curiosity in facilitating social change. Visitor  tion, Association of Zoos and Aquariums               Monarchs, bees, and the power of pollinators:
Studies Association Annual Conference,                Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.                  expanding the idea of living collection in zoos.
Columbus, OH.                                         Mendez, Y. & Zite-Stumbris, J. (2017,                 Association for Interpretation International
Luebke, J. F., & Matiasek, J. (2017, September).      December). Using multi-sensory learning to            Conference, San Jose del Cabo, MX.
Evaluating the zoo impact on new zoo members.         craft programs for audiences with special needs.      Sayigh, L., Dziki, A., Janik, V., Kim, E., McHugh,
Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual              National Association for Interpretation Zoos,         K., Tyack, P., Wells, R. & Jensen, F. (2017, May).
Conference, Indianapolis, IN.                         Wildlife Parks, and Aquaria Section InterpNET         Non-whistle sounds used in bottlenose dolphin ag-
Macfarlane, N., Janik, V., Jensen, F., McHugh,        Conference, web-based.                                gressive interactions recorded on DTAGs. European
K., Sayigh, L., Wells, R. & Tyack, P. (2017,          Miller, L.J. (2017, May). Environmental               Cetacean Society, Middelfart, DK.
June). Signature whistles facilitate reunions and/or  enrichment to optimize behavioral diversity.          Sayigh, L., Dziki, A., Janik, V., Kim, E.,
advertise identity in bottlenose dolphins. Acous-     International Conference on Environmental             McHugh, K., Tyack, P., Wells, R. & Jensen,
tics ’17 Boston, the 3rd Joint Meeting of the         Enrichment, Bogota, CO.                               F. (2017, June). Non-whistle sounds used in
Acoustical Society of America and the European        Miller, L.J. (2017, September). Evidence for the      bottlenose dolphin aggressive interactions recorded
Acoustics Association, Boston, MA.                    importance of choice and control. Association         on digital acoustic tags. Acoustics ’17 Boston.
Matiasek, J. (2017, July). Evaluating NatureStart     of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference,              The 3rd Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society
Network: how nature play partnerships benefit         Indianapolis, IN.                                     of America and the European Acoustics Associa-
urban families. Visitor Studies Association           Mucha, K. & Sullivan, S. (2017, September).           tion, Boston, MA.
Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH.                         Comparing ZIMS and SPARKS PMx exports.                Schwarz, L. K., Wells, R. S. & Costa, D. P.
Matiasek, J. & Brink, M. (2017, September).           European Association of Zoos and Aquaria              (2017, October). Linking measured health metrics
Using ecological identity trees for reflection and    Annual Conference, Emmen, NL.                         with survival and reproduction for a wild odonto-
impact evaluation. Poster presentation, Associa-      Musser, H., & Miller, L.J. (2017, September).         cete population. 22nd Biennial Conference on
tion of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference,         Superstitious behavior in Asian small-clawed otters.  the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, NS.
Indianapolis, IN.                                     Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual              Sheldon, J. D., Adkesson, M. J., Allender, M.
McBride, S., & Taylor, J. (2017, November).           Conference, Indianapolis, IN.                         C., Jankowski, G. R., & Cárdenas-Alayza, S.
Habitat use by bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops          Pérez-Venegas, D.; Meneses, D.; Barrios, C.;          (2017, May). Measurement of intraocular pressures
truncatus, in Roanoke Sound, North Carolina.          Sepúlveda, M.; Toro, C.; Valenzuela, A.; Ayala-       using rebound tonometry in South American fur
Southeast Student Chapter Symposium (SESC):           Torres, F.; Cárdenas-Alayza, S.; & Galbán-            seals (Arctocephalus australis) and South American
A Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammal-           Malagón, C. (2017, December). Lobos marinos           sea lions (Otaria flavescens) from Punta San Juan,
ogy, Gainesville, FL.                                 frente a la era del plástico. 2do Simposio de         Peru. 2017 Scientific Meeting of the Interna-
McBride, S., and Taylor, J. (2017, October).          Investigación en Mamíferos Marinos en Chile.          tional Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine,
Comparison of bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops            Valparaíso, CL.                                       Cancún, MX.
truncatus, habitat use between standardized photo-    Phillips, G., Thomas, L., R. Wells & Nowacek,         Sholar, J. F., Miller, L. J., Stacey, R., & Peer,
identification surveys and opportunistic surveys.     D. (2017, October). Passive acoustic abundance        B. D. (2017, October). An analysis of nursing
22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of            estimation: A six-method evaluation using a           behaviors to improve dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Marine Mammals, Halifax, NS.                          bottlenose dolphin community of known size. 22nd      calf management. International Marine Animal
McHugh, K., Barleycorn, A., Allen, J., Bassos-        Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine          Trainers’ Association Conference, Riviera Maya, MX.
Hull, G., Lovewell, D., Fauquier, D., Mase,B.,        Mammals, Halifax, NS.
Lacy, R., Greenfield, M., Rubenstein, D.,             Razal, C.B., Bryant, J., & Miller, L. J. (2017,
Weaver, A., Stone, L., Oliver, L., Morse, K. &        October). Assessing giraffe welfare during seasonal
Wells, R. (2017, October). Staying alive:             housing changes in northern US zoos. International
evaluating long-term success of small cetacean        Symposium of Zoo Animal Welfare,
interventions in southwest Florida. 22nd Biennial     Brookfield, IL.
Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals,          Razal, C. B. & Miller, L. J. (2017, October).
Halifax, NS.                                          The effect of environmental enrichment on natural
Meehan, T. (2017, December). AZA accredita-           behaviors of Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus
tion: A to Z. South Korean Zoo Association,           humboldti). International Symposium of Zoo
Seoul, KR.                                            Animal Welfare, Brookfield, IL.
Mendez, L.C. (2017, September). King Con-             Reese, J., Morton, S., & Nelson, S. (2017, March).
servation Science Scholars: the evolution of a teen   Interpretive techniques for communicating climate
program. Association of Zoos and Aquariums            and ocean chemistry change.  Association for In-
Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.                  terpretation International Conference, San Jose
Mendez, Y., Newman, N., Copeland, A.,                 del Cabo, MX.
Matiasek, M, & Kelly, L.A.D. (2017, Septem-
ber). A zoo crocodile’s adventures in conservation

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