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Grooming continued

           Social grooming establishes or maintains a bond between   Above, left: A spider monkey enjoys a head grooming
        individuals in a breeding pair. Macaws and penguins are among   by a member of its group.
        species in which breeding partners form long-lasting pair bonds,    Above, right: Humboldt penguin grooms itself.
        said Hickman. Pairs of colorful macaws often perch side-by-side,
        with one bird’s beak buried in the feathers of the other.
        “They preen one another. It strengthens bonds and is sometimes
        part of their courtship behavior.”
           Highly social animals—including African painted dogs,   Social grooming is also a key activity in the social lives
        dwarf mongoose, meerkats, and Mexican wolves—are noted    of primates, said Kimberly Skelton, director of Animal Care
        for their social grooming behavior, said Brianna Pohl, lead   and Conservation, Primates. “Primates can often be seen picking
        animal care specialist, Carnivores/Small Mammals. “African   through each other’s fur with their hands and removing dirt
        painted dogs have a very intricate social structure,” she said.   or debris. At times, they will use their teeth to pull out any
        They live in a pack with an alpha male and an alpha female    stubborn particles,” she said. “You’ll see them taking turns
        and only the alpha female has pups.                    to groom one another.”
           “During their morning greeting ‘ceremony’ they’ll make    “Grooming is a way for individuals to express trust, build
        very high-pitched noises and lick each other’s face or other    alliances, reduce tension, and reinforce social hierarchies,”
        parts of the body as a means of reestablishing their bonding    said Skelton. “It encourages group cohesion while reducing
        with each other,” she said. “Social grooming helps African   aggression within a group.” Social touch is also extremely
        painted dogs establish matriarchy, or who is where on the   important as it contributes to healthy emotional development
        hierarchy, and is part of their bonding experience,” said Pohl.   in young primates, she said.

        32      G A T E W A YS  |   WHY  ANIM ALS  GROOM
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