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month. In 2023, members of our giraffe care
        team and one of our veterinarians attended
        a workshop with the Zoo Hoofstock Trim
        Program in Colorado and learned how to
        detect hoof problems, including hooves that
        need trimming, and use specialized tools
        to trim them.
           After two months of positive-reinforce-
        ment training, each giraffe learned to
        voluntarily lift and present each hoof to    Above left, then clockwise:
        animal care specialists to be trimmed.    Moray eels, striped cleaner
        Ungulate care staff are in the process    wrasse, and cleaner shrimp
        of training other ungulates.          live at The Living Coast.

        Cleaner Organisms

        In the marine world, there are fascinating
        examples of symbiotic, or mutually
        beneficial relationships, among species that   “In the Caribbean, neon gobies set up   carnivorous predators, open their mouths
        would normally be enemies—predator and   cleaning stations on coral heads,” said   to allow cleaner shrimp to pick edible
        prey. “All fish have a mucous slime coat    Masellis. Client fish visit cleaning stations   particles off of their teeth.
        that keeps them clean and free of parasites   and allow the gobies to eat parasites, dead   You can look for cleaner organisms at
        in an ideal world,” said Mike Masellis,    or diseased tissue, algae, and excess mucous   The Living Coast. Besides the neon goby,
        lead animal care specialist, Aquatics.   off of their bodies. This benefits the client   they include the striped cleaner wrasse and
        However, some fish in the world’s oceans   fish and the gobies enjoy a meal, he said.   the fire and white-booted cleaner shrimp.
        are plagued by parasites or other health   Cleaner organisms are usually not eaten   However, since our animals are regularly
        conditions and have developed symbiotic   by their clients, who seem to recognize   fed and examined for parasites, you
        relationships with cleaner organisms.    them. For example, moray eels, which are   probably won’t see the cleaners in action.

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