Page 37 - Impact Report_2018
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Left: CZS founding Women’s Board Member, Connie Keller and
CZS Life Trustee, Dennis Keller with CZS Women’s Board Member and
2018 Whirl Chair, Elisa Templeton and John Templeton at Whirl of Fortune.
Below: Wines in the Wild co-chairs Dr. Cathie Overmyer and
Mary Cappelli with Dr. Stuart Strahl.
2018 Special Wines in the Wild
Fundraising Events
On October 27, 2018, more than 300 guests
Women’s Board Hosts sampled a wonderful variety of wines and Scotch
the 37th Annual Whirl Event whiskies, while enjoying exquisite hors d’oeuvres
prepared by the Zoo’s talented culinary staff.
The Women’s Board of the Chicago Zoological Society, in Co-chaired by Women’s Board members Cathie
partnership with the Society’s Board of Trustees, hosted the Overmyer, M.D. and Mary Cappelli, this year’s
37th annual Whirl on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Chaired by Wines in the Wild featured a raffle and silent
Women’s Board member Elisa Templeton, the gala drew more auction and raised over $170,000 to support the
than 500 Chicagoland business and civic leaders, who enjoyed Society’s education and conservation programs.
a meet-and-greet with our animal ambassadors, a delicious Prestige Countryside Liquors provided the wines.
dinner, as well as a casino and dancing.
The event grossed $1.4 million to support the animals at
Brookfield Zoo, as well as the Society’s conservation and
education programs.