Page 32 - Impact Report_2018
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2018 Financial Year in Review

30,000     CHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY CAPITAL INVESTMENT ($000)                                 The Chicago Zoological Society (CZS) realized a General
25,000                                                 10-Year Cumulative Total                 Operating Fund net surplus of $2.8 million, before Capital
20,000                                                 of $92.0 MM                              transfers, for fiscal 2018. Our results were driven by a continued
15,000                                                 10-Year Annual Average                   focus on creating revenue opportunities and included: presenting
10,000                                                 of $9.2 MM                               exciting attractions such as the Amazing Arachnids exhibit;
 5,000                                                                                          increasing philanthropic contribution levels; enriching the guest
        ’09 ‘10 ‘11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ‘15 ’16 ‘17 2018                                                experience with carefully-developed animal interactions; and
     0                                                                                          aggressively pursuing available public and private grant
                                                                                                opportunities to further our animal conservation, education,
        CHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY TOTAL ATTENDANCE (000)                                       and community engagement activities. These strategic initiatives
                                                                                                resulted in 1.9 million visitors in 2018.
2,400           2,283  2,339
2,300   2,228                                                                                      The net surplus of funds generated by CZS operating
2,200                                     2,263 2,223                                           activities is particularly important to the institution. These funds
2,100                  2,158 2,173 2,183                                                        are an essential, yet insufficient source of capital needed for the
                                                                                                renovation, replacement, and maintenance of the Brookfield
                              2,087                                                             Zoo’s assets. While CZS has invested $92 million during the past
                                                                                                ten years in capital projects, as seen in the graph to the left,
2,000                                                                                           previous external sources of funding for necessary capital asset
                                                                                         1,909  investment have decreased due to the fiscal challenges many
                                                                                                local, state, and federal agencies are facing. However, the
1,900                                                                                           CZS Board of Trustees and management are committed to the
                                                                                                future growth and enhancement of the institution as evidenced
1,800                                                                                           by the June 2018 completion of a five-year strategic plan that
                                                                                                includes key business driver and capital asset planning elements.
1,700                                                                                           The plan, Our Charge Forward, establishes clear short and
                                                                                                long-term goals and highlights the need for capital investment
1,600                                                                                           to carry on the vision of Edith Rockefeller McCormick when she
                                                                                                donated 83 acres nearly 100 years ago to the Forest Preserves of
1,500                                                                                           Cook County to establish a large, modern zoological park.
           ’09 ‘10 ’11 ‘12 ’13 ‘14 ’15 ’16 ‘17 2018
                                                                                                   The Society wishes to extend special thanks and appreciation
                                                                                                to the Forest Preserves of Cook County, our public partner, as
                                                                                                well as our very generous Trustees, Women’s Board members,
                                                                                                Governing Member Ambassadors, and donors. Their support,
                                                                                                as well as the invaluable contributions of our volunteers and staff,
                                                                                                continues to maintain the financial foundation of the Chicago
                                                                                                Zoological Society.

                                                                                                Michael P. Emmert
                                                                                                Treasurer, Board of Trustees
                                                                                                Chicago Zoological Society

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