Page 28 - Impact Report_2018
P. 28

Ivančić M. (2018). How to avoid panic when            Episcopal School – High School Assembly,       Wells, R. S. (2018, April). Checking in on our
it’s a bird/dolphin/giraffe: A zoo radiologist helps  Bradenton, FL.                                 finned neighbors: Sarasota dolphin update, and
you cope with imaging all-the-things. RACE-           Wells, R. S.  (2018, February). The world’s    notes from our efforts around the world. 
approved invited CE lecture. Presentation at          longest-running study of a dolphin popula-     Presentation at Cosmos Club, Sarasota, FL.
American College of Veterinary Radiology              tion: Lessons from four decades and five       Wells, R. S. (2018, April). Sarasota’s bottlenose
Annual Scientific Meeting, Fort Worth, TX.            generations. Presentation to Mote Marine       dolphins–indicators of ecosystem health. Presen-
Kelly, L.-A. D. (2018, October). Climate              Laboratory Basic Marine Science Class.         tation at Environmental Summit 2018,
change attitudes and behaviors of the public,         Wells, R. S. (2018, March). The dolphins of    Sarasota, FL.
zoo & aquarium visitors, and you! Presentation        Sarasota Bay – Lessons from 48 years and five  Wells, R. S. (2018, September). The world’s
at the Chicago Zoological Society (CZS)               generations. Presentation to Oceanogràfic,     longest-running study of a wild dolphin
Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) Climate                Valencia, Spain.                               population – Lessons from 48 years and five
Change class, Brookfield, IL.                         Wells, R. S. (2018, April). Sarasota dolphin   generations. Presentation at Annual Night of
Langan, J. N. (2018). Introduction to zoological      conservation research. Presentation to King    Appreciation, Brevard Zoo, Melbourne, FL.
medicine and career opportunities. Presentation       Scholars High Flyers, Brookfield, IL.          Wells, R. S. (2018, October). The world’s
at the University of Illinois.                                                                       longest-running study of a wild dolphin
Langan, J. N. (2018). Respiratory disease in                                                         population – Lessons from 48 years and five
marine mammals – a case example. Presenta-                                                           generations. Presentation at Mote Volunteer
tion at the University of Illinois.                                                                  General Meeting, Mote Marine Laboratory,
Langan, J. N. (2018). Career development                                                             Sarasota, FL.
program for zoological medicine for high school                                                      Wells, R. S. (2018, October). The world’s
students – UIUC Anticruelty. Presentation at                                                         longest-running study of a wild dolphin
the University of Illinois.                                                                          population – Lessons from 48 years and five
McHugh, K. (2018, October). Dolphins:                                                                generations. Presentation to Wharton School
Our coastal neighbors. Presentation at Florida                                                       Advanced Management Program Alumni
Maritime Museum, Cortez, FL.                                                                         Group, Sarasota, FL.
McHugh, K. (2018, March). Meet your                                                                  Wilkinson, K. A. (2018, April). Dolphin
dolphin neighbors! Presentation to Sarasota                                                          behavioral shifts post shark interaction.
P. E. O.                                                                                             Presentation at Interdisciplinary Ecology
McHugh, K. (2018, July). Integrating behavior                                                        Seminar, Gainesville, FL. 
and conservation of dolphins: the fun and
frustration of studying charismatic megafauna.                                                       PRESENTATIONS AT
Presentation at REU Brown Bag Seminar,                                                               PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 
Mote Marine Laboratory. 
McHugh, K. & Bassos-Hull, K. (2018,                                                                  Aitken-Palmer, C. (2018). Laboratory
January). Plastic pollution: Wildlife and habitat                                                    indicators of disease in white-bellied tree
impacts. Presentation to Science and Environ-                                                        pangolin. American Association of Zoo
ment Council, Mote Marine Laboratory.                                                                Veterinarians Annual Meeting, Prague,
McHugh, K., Lovewell, G., & Hazelkorn,                                                               Czech Republic.
R. (2018, June). Help protect our wildlife.                                                          Aitken-Palmer, C. (2018). Health, fertility and
Presentation at Sarasota County Sheriff ’s                                                           growth of the African white-bellied tree pangolin.
Office Marine Unit Boating Roundtable.                                                               International Pangolin Symposium,
Venice Community Center.                                                                             Brookfield, IL.
Mendez, Y. (2018, September). Sparking                                                               Baader, J. L. (2018, October). Brookfield Zoo:
positive action through social media. Presenta-                                                      Our history and our future. The Frederick Law
tion at National Association for Interpretation                                                      Olmsted Society of Riverside Lecture Series,
(NAI) Webinar, web-based.                                                                            Riverside, IL. 
Wells, R. S. (2018, January). The world’s                                                            Baker, M. (2018, October). NGSS engineering:
longest-running study of a wild dolphin                                                              Ocean bycatch. Baxter Symposium, Round
population: Lessons from four decades and five                                                       Lake, IL. 
generations.  Presentation at St. Stephens

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