Page 24 - Impact Report_2018
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CZS Published Work
Books and Book Chapters Wells, R. S. (2018). Identification methods. (Spheniscus humboldti) from the Punta San
In: B. Würsig, J. G. M. Thewissen, & Juan marine protected area, Peru. Journal of
Adkesson, M. J. & Ivančić, M. (2018). K. Kovacs (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Marine Wildlife Diseases, 54(2), 304-314.
Use of computed tomography/magnetic Mammals, 3rd Edition (pp. 503-509). Alves S., Aitken-Palmer C., Joyner P. H.,
resonance imaging in zoological medicine. San Diego, CA: Academic Press/Elsevier. Ware L. H. & Crosier A. (2018). Full-term
In R. E. Miller, P. Calle, & N. Lamberski Wells, R.S. & Scott, M.D. (2018). Bottlenose pregnancy with vaginal birth following
(MEeddsi.c)i, nFeo,w9ltehr’Es Zdiotoioann.d Wild Animal dolphin: Common Bottlenose Dolphin dystocia and caesarean section in two cheetahs
(Tursiops truncatus). In. B. Würsig, J. G. M. (Acinonyx jubatus). Veterinary Record Case
Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018). Vaporizers and Thewissen, & K. Kovacs (Eds.), Encyclopedia Reports, 6(2), e000582.
field anesthesia equipment for free-ranging of Marine Mammals, 3rd Edition (pp. Bailey R. S., Aitken-Palmer C. & Chinnadu-
wildlife. In R. E. Miller, P. Calle, & N. 118-125). San Diego, CA: Academic rai S.K. (2018). Venous blood gas and selected
Lamberski (Eds.), Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Press/Elsevier. biochemical values from awake and anesthe-
Animal Medicine, 9th Edition (pp. 177-184). Wojciechowski, S. (2018). North American tized white-bellied pangolins (Phataginus tri-
Regional Studbook: Geoffroy’s Marmoset cuspis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine,
Grajal, A., Luebke, J.F., & Kelly, L.-A. D. (Callithrix geoffroyi). Brookfield, IL: 49(4), 1025-1028.
(2018). Why zoos have animals: Exploring Chicago Zoological Society. Baker, I., O’Brien, J., McHugh, K., Ingram,
the complex pathway from experiencing S., & Berrow, S. (2018). Bottlenose dolphin
animals to pro-environmental behaviors. In PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (Tursiops truncatus) social structure in the
B. A. Minteer, J. Maienschein, & J. P. Collins Shannon Estuary, Ireland, is distinguished by
(Eds.), The Ark and Beyond: The Evolution of Adkesson, M. J. (2018.) Computed tomogra- age- and area-related associations. Marine
Zoo and Aquarium Conservation (pp. 192- phy-guided percarapacial ovocentesis in an Mammal Science, 34, 458-487.
203). Chicago, IL: The University of eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina). Baker, I., O’Brien, J., McHugh, K., Ingram,
Chicago Press. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(4), S., & Berrow, S. (2018). Female reproductive
1007-1011. parameters and population demographics of
Langan, J. N. & Jankowski G. (2018). Adkesson, M. J., Levengood, J., Schaffer, D., bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in
Overview of African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) Langan, J. N., Scott, J., Panno, B, Yi, S, the Shannon Estuary, Ireland. Marine Biology,
medicine. In R.E. Miller, P. Calle, & N. Cárdenas-Alayza, S, De la Puente, S. & 165, 15.
Lamberski (Eds.), Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Majluf, P. (2018.) Assessment of polychlori- Balko, J. A., Watson, M. K., Papich, M. G.,
Animal Medicine, 9th Edition (pp. 22-24). nated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, Posner, L. P., & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018).
and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the Plasma concentrations of ketoprofen and
Terio, K. & Adkesson, M.J. (2018) Systemic blood of Humboldt penguins meloxicam after subcutaneous and topical
isosporosis in passerine birds. In R.E. Miller,
P. Calle, & N. Lamberski (Eds.), Fowler’s Zoo
and Wild Animal Medicine, 9th Edition.