Page 27 - Impact Report_2018
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Pirotta, E., Booth, C., Costa, D., Fleishman,     Bacterial pathogen emergence required more       Bassos-Hull, K. (2018, July). Plastic pollution:
E., Kraus, S., Lusseau, D., Moretti, D., New,     than direct contact with a novel passerine       Wildlife & habitat impacts. Presentation given
L. F., Schick, R., Schwarz, L., Simmons,          host. Infection and immunity, IAI-00863.         at St. Petersburg College STEM Center, St.
S., Thomas, L., Tyack, P., Weise, M., Wells,      Sullivan, S. & Mucha, K. (2018). A guide for     Petersburg, FL.
R. & Harwood, J. (2018). Understanding            testing ZIMS PMx exports. Retrieved from         Bassos-Hull, K. (2018, August). Plastic
the population consequences of disturbance.       the Species360 website: http://training.         pollution: Wildlife & habitat impacts. Presenta-
Ecology and Evolution, 1-13. DOI: 10.1002/         tion given at Marine Explorers Camp at
ece3.44                                           aspx.                                            Emerson Preserve. 
Pulis, E. E, Wells, R. S., Schorr, G. S.,         Sullivan, S. & Muphy, T. (2018). White-faced
Douglas, D. C., Samuelson, M. M. &                Saki (Pithecia pithecia). AZA Species Survival   Bassos-Hull, K. (2018, September). Connect-
Solangi, M. (2018). Movements and dive            Plan® Yellow Program Population Analysis and     ing for conservation: Research on dolphins and
patterns of Pygmy Killer Whales (Feresa at-       Breeding & Transfer Plan. Brookfield, IL:        marine rays in Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean,
tenuata) released in the Gulf of Mexico follow-   Chicago Zoological Society.                      and Caribbean Sea. Presentation given to
ing rehabilitation. Aquatic Mammals, 44(5),       Swanson, K. D., Harper, T. A. M.,                Dolphin Quest staff and visitors, Hilton
555-567, DOI 10.1578/AM.44.5.2018.555             McMichael, M., Fries, R., Lascola, K. M.,        Waikoloa, Hawaii.
Pye, G. W., Adkesson, M. J., Guthrie,             & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018). Development         Copeland, A. (2018, February). An instructor’s
A., Clayton, L. A., & Janssen, D. L. (2018).      of a perceived exertion scale for dogs           introduction to mission based dialogue. Presen-
Risk analysis: changing the quarantine            exercising on a land treadmill using selected    tation at National Association for Interpreta-
paradigm? Journal of Zoo and Wildlife             physiologic parameters. Veterinary and           tion (NAI) Webinar, web-based. 
Medicine, 49 (3), 513-519.                        Comparative Orthopaedics and                     Diaz, V. & McHugh, K. (2018, August).
Scott, Anne. (2018). Felid TAG Times.             Traumatology, 31(S 02), A3627.                   Acoustic monitoring of anthropogenic distur-
Seguel, M., Calderon, K., Colegrove,              Waier, A., Ritchason, R. Croisant,               bance of bottlenose dolphins in Sarasota Bay.
K., Adkesson, M.J., & Paredes, E. (2018).         V. & Sullivan, S. (2018) Humboldt Penguin        Presentation given at Mote Marine Laboratory
Helminth and respiratory mite lesions in          (Spheniscus humboldti). AZA Species Survival     NSF REU Poster Session, Sarasota, FL. 
pinnipeds from Punta San Juan, Peru.              Plan® Green Program Population Analysis and
Acta Parasitologica, 63(4), 839-844.              Breeding & Transfer Plan. Brookfield, IL:
Sequeira, A. M. M., Rodríguez, J. P, Eguíluz,     Chicago Zoological Society. 
V., Harcourt, R., Hindell, M., Sims, D. W.,       Wojick, K. B., *Langan, J.N., Terio K. A., 
et al. (2018). Convergence of movement            Righton, A., Drees, R. (2018). Anatomy,
patterns of marine megafauna in coastal and       histology, and diagnostic imaging of the
open oceans.  Proceedings of the National         reproductive tract of the male aardvark
Academy of Sciences.     (Orycteropus afer). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife
pnas.1716137115.                                  Medicine, 49(3), 648-655.  
Sprogis, K. R., Christiansen, F., Raudino, H.
C., Kobryn, H. T., Wells, R. S. & L. Bejder.      INVITED LECTURES: PUBLIC,
(2018). Sex-specific differences in the seasonal  UNIVERSITY, AND SCHOOL 
habitat use of a coastal dolphin population.
Biodiversity and Conservation. 22 pp. DOI:        Aitken-Palmer, C. (2018, August). Organizing
10.1007/s10531-018-1618-7                         co-chair of the International Pangolin
Staley, M., Bonneaud, C., McGraw,                 Symposium held by the Chicago Zoological
K. J., Vleck, C. M., & Hill, G. E. (2018).        Society.
Detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in          Bassos-Hull, K. (2018, February). Marine
House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) from         debris research and prevention outreach.
Arizona. Avian diseases, 62(1), 14-17.            Presentation given at the Mote City Island
Staley, M., Conners, M. G., Hall, K.,             Cleanup.
& Miller, L. J. (2018). Linking stress and        Bassos-Hull, K. (2018, March). Tackling
immunity: Immunoglobulin A as a non-inva-         conservation issues with the help of citizen
sive physiological biomarker in animal welfare    science. Presentation given at the Mote Teacher
studies. Hormones and behavior, 102, 55-68.       Workshop, Mote Marine Lab, Sarasota, FL.
Staley, M., Hill, G. E., Josefson, C. C.,         Bassos-Hull, K. (2018, April). Marine debris—
Armbruster, J. W., & Bonneaud, C. (2018).         more than what our eyes can see. Presentation
                                                  given at Mote Science Café at Calusa Brewery,
                                                  Sarasota, FL.

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