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Schmidtke, E., Roberts, A. & Kovanda, M. Wells, R. S. (2018, March). Longitudinal SCIENTIFIC, CONTRACT,
(2018, September). Myth: Volunteers with bottlenose dolphin health assessment and AND TECHNICAL REPORTS,
disabilities should not work in back-up animal population monitoring in Sarasota Bay, Florida. CONFERENCE PAPERS
areas. Association of Zoos and Aquariums Florida Marine Mammal Health Conference
Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. VI, Orlando, FL. Aitken-Palmer, C. (2018). Helicobacter.
Schollenberger, K. & Wojciechowski, Wells, R. S., Balmer, B. C., Howle, L. E., For M.M. Clancy and P. Brock (eds).
S. (2018, August) Effective enrichment for Scott, M. D., Fauquier, D. A., Barleycorn, Infectious Diseases of Concern to Captive
African white bellied tree pangolins (Phatagi- A. A., et al. (2018, June). Finmount tag and Free Ranging Animals in North America,
nus tricuspis). Presented at the International history of development and performance. 2nd ed. 2017. Infectious Disease Committee,
Pangolin Symposium, Brookfield, IL. Workshop to Discuss Future Directions for American Association of Zoo Veterinarians,
Strahl, S. & Becker, D., (2018, Septem- Cetacean Tag Attachment Development, Yulee, Florida. 1098 pp. Website: http:///
ber). Lessons learned: Exhibits that withstand Seattle, WA. www.aazvorg/?page=IDM2013
the test of time (Hamill Family Play Zoo Wells, R. S. & Lovewell, G.N. (2018, March).
15 year anniversary). Association of Zoos and Long-term research and conservation programs Aitken-Palmer, C. & Adkesson, M. J. (2018).
Aquariums Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. – value and challenges. Florida Marine Indicators of health, fertility, and growth in
Theuman, J. (2018, September). Successes and Mammal Health Conference VI, Orlando, FL. white-bellied tree pangolin (Phataginus tricus-
next steps on the road to creating a diverse and Wells, R. S., McHugh, K. A. & Lovewell, pis). Proc: Inter Pangolin Symp; Chicago.
inclusive volunteer culture. Association of G. N. (2018, October). Long-term research
Aitken-Palmer, C., Allender, M. C., Stacy,
Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference, N., Cray, C. & Adkesson, M. J. (2018).
Seattle, WA. Laboratory indicators of disease in white-
Toms, C. N., Daly-Engel, T. S., Rosel, P. E., bellied tree pangolin (Phataginus tricuspis).
Wilcox, L. A. & Worthy, A.J. (2018). Proc: Am Assoc Zoo Vet & Euro Asso-
Fine-scale genetic population structure of Zoo Wildl Vet; Prauge, Czech Republic.
common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
in the Florida Panhandle. Proceedings of the Chinnadurai, S.K. (2018). Ring-tailed lemur.
2018 Annual Ecological Society of America In the AZA Animal Care Manual—
Conference, New Orleans, LA. veterinary section.
Wells, R. S. (2018, January). Sarasota Dolphin
Research Program involvement in small cetacean Colchao, P., Deem, S., Cárdenas-Alayza,
telemetry in the Gulf of Mexico. GCOOS S., Tieber, A., & Adkesson, M.J. (2018).
Animal Telemetry Network Workshop, Collaboration for threats assessment and
New Orleans, LA. implementing conservation priorities at Punta
San Juan, Peru. Proc: Zoos & Aquariums
Committing to Conservation; Jacksonville.
Copeland, A. (2018). Fact is not truth.
Published in the National Association for
Interpretation’s 2018 Conference Sourcebook.
and conservation programs–value and challenges. Delgado, F. J. V., Mendoza, L. L. E., Adkes-
Clearwater Marine Aquarium Stranding son, M.J., Colchao, P. & Cárdenas-Alayza,
Conference, Clearwater, FL. S. (2018). Evaluation of enzootic abortion
Whitham, J. C. (2018, November). Welfare- events in the Peruvian population of South
Trak®: Monitoring the welfare of individual American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis)
animals at Brookfield Zoo and beyond. Online at Punta San Juan, Peru. Proc: Wildl Dis
lecture presented to the University of Illinois Assoc; St. Augustine.
College of Veterinary Medicine’s Animal Edwards, M. R., Adkesson, M. J., Cárdenas-
Welfare Club, Urbana, IL. Alayza, S., & Hirons, A. C. (2018). Peruvian
pinnipeds as archivist of ENSO effects off the
coast of Peru. Proc: XII Congreso de la
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialis-
tas en Mamiferos Acuaticos; Lima, Peru.
Epstein, J., *Langan, J. N., Warneke, M. R.
& Allender, M. C. (2018). Global retrospective
analysis of pathological findings in zoo man-
aged Goeldi’s monkeys (Callimico goeldii)