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Baker, M. (2018, October). Best practices in      (Asociación Mexicana De Médicos Veteri-           Langan, J. N. (2018, September). Interesting
NGSS-aligned science classrooms. Illinois         narios Especializados En Anmales De               zoo medicine cases diagnosed with advanced
Science Teachers Association Conference,          Zoológico, Exóticos Y Silvestres).                imaging. Congreso Veterinario de León,
Tinley Park, IL.                                  Copeland, A. (2018, November). Fact is not        Mexico, León, Mexico. 
Baker, M. (2018, August). Maker/breaker           truth. National Association for Interpretation    Luebke, J. F. (2018, July). Understanding and
space & engineering: Batman’s belt. CPS           (NAI) National Conference,                        addressing visitors’ concerns about the well-being
Mini-Conference, Brookfield, IL.                  New Orleans, LA.                                  of zoo animals. Paper presentation at Visitor
Baker, M. (2018, August). The ins & outs          Greenfield, M. R., Rubenstein,                    Studies Association Annual Conference, 
of squid: It’s dissection time. CPS Mini-Confer-  D. I., McHugh, K. A. & Wells, R. S. (2018,        Chicago, IL. 
ence, Brookfield, IL.                             March). Effect of anthropogenic injuries on the   Luebke, J. F. (2018, September). Impact of
Bassos-Hull, K., Wilkinson, K. & Wells,           social associations of bottlenose dolphins        viewing elephants on conservation intent.
R.S. (2018, January).  Sarasota Bay acoustic      (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida.    Paper presentation at Association of Zoos and
network: A collaborative effort to study move-    Florida Marine Mammal Health Conference           Aquariums Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. 
ment of multiple species along the west coast of  VI, Orlando, FL.                                  Luebke, J. F. (2018, September). Understand-
Florida. GCOOS Animal Telemetry Network           Ivančić, M. (2018). Marine mammal diagnostic      ing and addressing visitors’ concerns about the
Workshop, New Orleans, LA.                        imaging. International Association for Aquatic    well-being of zoo animals. Paper presentation
Bryant, J. (2018). Monitoring fecal glucocorti-   Animal Medicine, Long Beach, CA.                  at Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual
coid metabolite concentrations to determine       Kelly, L.-A. D., Hope, M., & Livingston,          Conference, Seattle, WA. 
acclimation time of white-bellied tree pangolin   K. (2018, July). Relevancy, transparency, trust:  Mendez, Y. (2018, April). How do you SPAM
at the Brookfield Zoo.  International Pangolin    “SCIENCES” project for community engagement       - Spark Positive Action through Social Media?
Symposium, Brookfield, IL.                        in Chicago. Annual conference of the Visitor      National Association for Interpretation
Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018). Anesthesia of zoo      Studies Association (VSA), Chicago, IL.           (NAI) Heartland Region Workshop,
animals: challenges and complication. 7th         Kelly, L.-A. D., Mendez, Y., Copeland, A.,        Austin, MN.
Annual International Meeting of AMMVE-            & Luebke, J.F. (2018, July). @CandidCroc @        Mendez, Y., & Kelly, L.-A.D. (2018, Septem-
ZOO (Asociación Mexicana De Médicos               Brookfield_Zoo: Visitor engagement in conserva-   ber). Otterly engaging: Building a mission-based
Veterinarios Especializados En Animales           tion through social media. Annual conference      social strategy. Annual conference of the
De Zoológico, Exóticos Y Silvestres).             of the Visitor Studies Association (VSA),         Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA),
Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018). Blood gas              Chicago, IL.                                      Seattle, WA. 
interpretation for zoo clinicians. 7th Annual     Kovacs, A. (2018, August). Science fair           Noncek-Eastman, J. (2018, August).
International Meeting of AMMVEZOO                 preparation. CPS Mini-Conference,                 Artful learning: The Bernstein approach. 
(Asociación Mexicana De Médicos                   Brookfield, IL.                                   CPS Mini-Conference, Brookfield, IL. 
Veterinarios Especializados En Anmales            Langan, J. N. (2018, September). Advance-         Noncek-Eastman, J. (2018, August).
De Zoológico, Exóticos Y Silvestres).             ment of the welfare of avian species. Congre-     Kinesthetic science. CPS Mini-Conference,
Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018). Evidence–based         so Veterinario de León, Mexico, León,             Brookfield, IL. 
analgesia for zoo and exotic animals. 7th         Mexico.                                           Phillips, G., Thomas, L., Wells, R. S. &
Annual International Meeting of AMMVE-            Langan, J. N. (2018, September). Managing         Nowacek, D. P. (2018, July). Estimating
ZOO (Asociación Mexicana De Médicos               obesity: care for zoo species. Congreso Veteri-   animal abundance from passive acoustics:
Veterinarios Especializados En Anmales            nario de León, Mexico, León, Mexico.              A real-world test using a bottlenose dolphin
De Zoológico, Exóticos Y Silvestres).             Langan, J. N. (2018, September). Preventive       population of known size. International
Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018). Effective anesthetic   medicine of antelopes. Congreso Veterinario       Statistical Ecology Conference, St. Andrews,
monitoring and logical crisis management for      de León, Mexico, León, Mexico.                    Scotland. 
zoo animals. 7th Annual International             Langan, J. N. (2018, September). Monitoring       Rojas-Bracho, L., Smith, C., Taylor, B.,
Meeting of AMMVEZOO (Asociación                   the health of bottlenose dolphins in Sarasota, 4  Gomez, F., Abel, G. & Wells, R. S. (2018,
Mexicana De Médicos Veterinarios Especial-        decades of research. Congreso Veterinario de      December). Lessons learned: For vaquitas and
izados En Animales De Zoológico,                  León, Mexico, León, Mexico.                       other threatened cetaceans. Ex Situ Options for
Exóticos Y Silvestres).                           Langan, J. N. (2018, September). African wild     Cetacean Conservation Workshop,
Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018). Anesthesia and         dog medicine & conservation. Congreso Veteri-     Nuremberg, Germany.
critical care monitoring of zoo felids and a      nario de León, Mexico, León, Mexico.              Secchi, E. R., Zerbini, A. N., Wells, R. S. &
3 hour lab on felid anesthesia. 7th Annual                                                          Bastida, R. (2018, December). Is the francis-
International Meeting of AMMVEZOO                                                                   cana, Pontoporia blainvillei, a candidate for 
                                                                                                    ex situ conservation? Ex Situ Options for
                                                                                                    Cetacean Conservation Workshop,
                                                                                                    Nuremberg, Germany.

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