Page 31 - Impact Report_2018
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– (1965-2018). Joint Meeting of the IZW Lee, C., Jensen, E. D., Meegan, J. M., Tyson, R. B., Pinaik, W. E. D., Domit,
Leibniz Intstitute for Zoo and Wildlife Heath, Ivančić, M., Bailey, J., Hendrickson, D., C., Nowacek, D. P. & Fuentes, M. P. B.
European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Weiss, J. & Wisbach, G. (2018). Surgical (2018). Behavioural response of juvenile green
Veterinarians and the American Association of management of chronic neck abscess in military- sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) to the Fauna-
Zoo Veterinarians. Prague, Czech Republic. trained bottlenose dolphin – a case report. Guard Turtle Module. Prepared for VanOord,
Greenblatt, N. & Miller, J. (2018). Designing Conference, Society of Military Surgeons.
for pangolin husbandry advancement. Poster
presented at the International Pangolin Sheldon, J. D., Adkesson, M. J., Allender, THESES AND DISSERTATIONS
Symposium, Brookfield, IL. M.C., Balko, J. A., Bailey, R.S., Langan, J. N.
Hostnik, E., Adkesson, M. J., Ivančić, M., & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018). Objective gait Baker, I. (2018). Life history, behaviour and
Langan, J. N., Chinnadurai, S.K., & Aitken- analysis in normal and abnormal Humboldt social structure of bottlenose dolphins
Palmer, C. (2018). Computed tomography penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) using a pressure (Tursiops truncatus) in the Shannon Estuary,
description of abdominal anatomy in clinically sensitive walkway. Proc: Am Assoc Zoo Vet Ireland. Galway Mayo Institute of Technology.
healthy white-bellied tree pangolin (Phatagi- & Euro Assoc Zoo Wildl Vet; Prauge, Edwards M. R. (2018). Peruvian Pinnipeds as
nus tricuspis). Proc: Inter Vet Radiol Assoc Czech Republic. Archivists of ENSO Effects. Nova Southeastern
& Am Col Vet Radiol; Fort Worth. Sheldon, J. D., Adkesson, M. J., Allender, University. MJ Adkesson committee member.
Hostnik, E., Adkesson, M. J., Ivančić, M., M.C., Balko, J. A., Bailey, R. S., Langan, J. N. Greenfield, M. R., Rubenstein, D. I.,
Langan, J. N., Chinnadurai, S. K. & Aitken- & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018). Objective gait McHugh, K. A. & Wells, R. S. (2018). Effect
Palmer, C. (2018). Radiography and computed analysis in Humboldt penguins (Sphenis- of anthropogenic injuries on the social associa-
tomography of the osseous apparatus related to cus humboldti) using a pressure sensitive tions of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
the pangolin (Phataginus tricuspis) tongue. walkway. Joint Meeting of the IZW Leib- in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Undergraduate Thesis,
Proc: Inter Vet Radiol Assoc & Am Col niz Intstitute for Zoo and Wildlife Heath, Princeton University. 24 pp.
Vet Radiol; Fort Worth. European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Sheldon, J. Characterization of normal gait in
Hostnik, E. T., Adkesson, M. J., Ivančić, Veterinarians and the American Association Humboldt penguins and ducks using a pressure
M., Langan, J. N., Chinnadurai, S. K. & of Zoo Veterinarians. sensitive walkway system. SK Chinnadurai
Aitken-Palmer, C. (2018). Computed tomogra- committee member.
phy description of abdominal anatomy in Strahl-Heldreth, D. The effect of intracoelo-
clinically healthy white-bellied tree pangolin mic alfaxalone on righting reflex and response
(Phataginus tricuspis). American College of to Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments in the
Veterinary Radiology Annual Scientific common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis).
Meeting, Fort Worth, TX. SK Chinnadurai committee member.
Hostnik, E. T., Adkesson, M. J., Ivančic, Wilkinson, K. A. (2018). Understanding risk
M., Langan, J. N., Chinnadurai, S. K. & mitigation by common bottlenose dolphins
Aitken-Palmer, C. (2018). Radiography and (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida
computed tomography of the osseous apparatus through analysis of group size, habitat use,
related to the pangolin (Phataginus tricuspis) and perinatal movements. University of
tongue. American College of Veterinary Florida. 143 pp.
Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting,
King, E. M., Hostnik, E. T., Junge, R.,
Adkesson, M. J., Newman, E. & Allender, Strahl-Heldreth, D. & Chinnadurai, S. K.
M. (2018). Computed tomography to evaluate (2018). Ambulatory anesthesia for the exotic
hepatic attenuation in three species of freshwater veterinary practitioner. Veterinary Clinics:
turtles. Proc: Vet Schol Symp; College Exotic Animal Practice, 21(3), 593-608.
Station, TX.
Le-Bert, C., Cook, P., Meegan, J. M., Gomez,
F. M., Lutmerding, B., Ivančić, M. & Jensen,
E. D. (2018). Development of hippocampal
neuropathology in an adult California sea lion
(Zalophus californianus): Considerations
for zzanimal care managers. International
Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine,
Long Beach, CA.