Page 82 - E-VOOCK, Naufal Siddiqi Nasrullah, 2024
P. 82

4. Students working in pairs might be given one or more of the

               following tasks: essay … /essay; progress report; review; project;

               rehearsal; performance.

        Match the words with the definitions - Choose the correct meaning!

         5.  Class note
                   a.  Written recordings or summary taken by students during

                       or after a lecture.

                   b.  The action or process of integrating.

                   c.  Take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance)
                       by chemical or physical action.

         6.  Condense

                   a.  Take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance)

                       by chemical or physical action.
                   b.  An      arrangement         of     intersecting      horizontal

                       and vertical lines.

                   c.  Make (something) denser or more concentrated.

         7.  Study group

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