Page 78 - E-VOOCK, Naufal Siddiqi Nasrullah, 2024
P. 78

o  Example  sentence:  After  school,  I  sometimes  run  an

                       English GCSE study group for my year 11 class, or meet

                       with staff.


            9.  Condense:


                   o  Pronunciation: /kənˈdɛns/

                   o  Meaning: condense something (into something) to put
                       something such as a piece of writing into fewer words;

                       to put a lot of information into a small space.

                   o  Example sentence: The article was condensed into just

                       two pages.
            10. Integrate:


                   o  Pronunciation: /ˌɪntəˈɡreɪʃən/

                   o  Meaning:  To  combine  two  or  more  things  in  order  to
                       become more effective.

                   o  Example  sentence:  Teaching  forces  our  brains  to

                       integrate  material  more  deeply  this  not  only  leads  to

                       faster mastery but also being thoroughly ready for acing

                       our tests.

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