Page 2 - E-Voock by Naufal
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            Learning vocabulary by just memorizing words is slightly different

        from learning vocabulary with instructional videos such as TED talks.

        Instructional videos can be defined as visual tools that demonstrate,
        teach,  or  explain  a  subject,  process,  or  concept  of  something  to

        viewers (TED, 2019). Furthermore, instructional videos are videos that

        are used to teach or train some purposes and essentially focus on

        transferring  knowledge,  this  includes  establishing  and  explaining
        several  concepts  and  ideas  as  well  as  demonstrating  several

        processes. Therefore, TED talk can be classified as instructional videos

        because it explains the concepts and subjects presented in the form

        of public speaking presentations.
            Moreover,  EFL  university  students  who  used  TED  talks  to  study

        English  admitted  that  they  learned  how  to  speak  in  front  of  the

        audience.  They  tried  to  imitate  the  speakers  in  TED  talks  and

        practiced  speech  to  make  their  performances  in  public  speaking
        more  interesting.  This  phenomenon  occurred  because  speakers  in

        TED talks played as instructors that explain concepts and ideas using

        English vocabulary and sentences. In addition, instructional videos for

        teaching  second-language  vocabulary  often  appear  as  the

        instructor  on  the  screen  with  movements  and  body  gestures.    This

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