Page 3 - E-Voock by Naufal
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may affect the students’ emotions, motivation, cognition, and
learning performance.
In this book, the writer not only used TED talk as a medium for
enriching the vocabulary of EFL university students. Moreover, the
writer also utilized the Language Reactor, formerly known as
“Language Learning with Netflix” on chrome extension as a
supporting tool for learning vocabulary using TED talk. Learning
English using Language Reactor will make the study effective,
enjoyable, and easy to comprehend from native speakers.
Therefore, by integrating TED-talk and Language Reactor for
vocabulary learning, in this book the author collects academic
vocabulary, especially in the world of higher education, which the
author took from the speakers in Ted-talk. The author hopes that this
e-book can be useful for the students to improve their vocabulary
comprehension for academic speaking.
The Author
Naufal Siddiqi. N
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