Page 35 - E-Voock by Naufal
P. 35


            10. Pursue:


                   o  Pronunciation: /ˈriːsɜːrtʃər/
                   o  Meaning: to do something or try to achieve something

                       over a period of time

                   o  Example  sentence:  She  wishes  to  pursue  a  medical


        Noun Phrase:

            11. Boot camp:


                   o  Pronunciation: /but/ /kæmp/
                   o  Meaning: A short but very difficult  training program: a

                       program or situation that helps people become much

                       better at doing something in a short period of time.

                   o  Example  sentence:  The  boot  camp  teachers  are  not

                       from the university but have been hired in from a variety
                       of local schools.

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