Page 39 - E-Voock by Naufal
P. 39

4.  Examination means…

                 a.  A formal test  that  you  take  to show your knowledge or

                     ability in a particular subject, or to obtain a qualification.

                 b.  The activity or process of doing scientific experiments
                 c.  A set of online courses that help students develop their

                     professional skills and academic knowledge.

             5.  Researcher means…

                 a.  A set of online courses that help students develop their
                     professional skills and academic knowledge.

                 b.  Someone  who  studies  a  subject,  especially  in  order  to

                     discover new information or reach a new understanding.

                 c.  A  process  in  which  a  computer  examines  information
                     using  mathematical  methods  in  order  to  find  useful


             6.  Insight means…

                 a.  Relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning
                 b.  Able to understand complex situations.

                 c.  The method chosen to achieve a teaching goal.

             7.  Disruption means…

                 a.  A  Significant  change  to  an  industry  or  market  due  to

                     innovation (= new ideas or methods) in technology.
                 b.  The activity or process of doing scientific experiments

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