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the credit for opening the door at a store or a mall? No, you just walk up to the door and it opens to you of its own accord. Something you’ve done? No, something the store or the mall has done.
On the other hand, Closed Door is a blocked or barred passage or entry way. The pathway or entrance blocked or barred, with the purpose of preventing traffic from pass- ing or entering. Not only can no one or nothing enter in, but also, nothing can exit when a door is closed.
When a pathway is blocked from passage by a locked door, no one can pass through to the other side, unless you have the keys or the know how to open the door.
One thing is for sure, Satan will always do his best to close spiritual doors to us so that we will not receive the blessings God has for us.
As long as we are on this earth, Satan will be there to hinder us so that our needs will not be met and the dreams the Lord has given us will not come to pass.
There are times God shuts doors in our lives for our own good. Sometimes these doors are temporarily shut, and other times they are closed for our entire life. We’ll look into these types of closed doors later in this book.
However, there are doors that were not closed by God that can be opened if we know the source of the closed doors and understand what we must do to open them. That’s what this book is all about.
We are going to use the expression “Closed Doors” to refer to both spiritual and natural opportunities that are closed to a person’s life.
“Closed” is translated from the same Hebrew word which means, “to shut up or shut out.” It means to im- prison, or like a door, to be closed or sealed shut against

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