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door of our bedroom, through the door of our bathroom, through the door of our house, through the door of our car or truck or bus or train.
We also pass through the door of where we work, and go through other doors there. It’s almost endless in the natural. So it is in the spiritual.
Doors are paramount to our lives. They give privacy as well as protection.
Doors have great power to affect our lives and they open up many things to us or shut many things away from us.
Let’s layout a clearer meaning of what we mean by Open and Closed Doors.
The Word of God uses the term “open doors” in sever- al different ways.
“Open doors” is an expression used to refer to en- trances into a person’s life.
In the natural, an open door gives us an entrance into a room or building. It is the pathway or entrance open for the purpose of allowing traffic to go in and out.
An open door becomes a blessing, as we can interact and receive from what is now within our reach. When
a door is opened to us, we are able to partake of what is behind that particular door.
Open door makes it possible for us to fulfill our as- pirations and also give us access to the best things in life that the Lord has for us.
Needless to say, as doors open to us it is not just be- cause of something that we have done, but something that the Lord has done in our lives.
When the creator of the universe is leaning on the door, He receives all the glory for it opening. Do you take